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Official X-COM Fan Art thread


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Ok, I added that piece (along with the two from Prostetiche) to our fan art site page. :)


And in the biggest case of "while you are at it syndrome", I recoded the entire page into semi-html and put the art into tables with frames around them for that "gallery" appearance. I think it makes the page look more professional now. Hope you guys like it, and if you see more art which we don't have yet, let me know. :)


- Zombie

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I've not put out any art in years (not counting the millions of sketches on post-it notes I've done over the years). Might have to get back to it some time. Could anyone suggest any free image hosting site that I could use for this? I've about given up using my Yahoo!Geocities space...the tedium of accessing it got to me.


I do have a Photobucket account for taking pictures of toys for review, but I take it Photobucket is for photos.



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Yup, any of those are good. I guess you just have to shop around and pick the one you like best. :(


Hmm... if you did upload an entire set of X-COM pics to it, they could just be fed into a page on the site...


...not that I'm only thinking of myself or anything :)

Couldn't be thinking of yourself, as I'm the one adding the pics. :) Besides, I don't think any X-COM artist is proficient enough to produce more art than I'm able to add to the site manually. :)


- Zombie

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I might give Imageshack a go first. Of course, I'll need to make some art to go up! :)


It's rather eerie that the Imageshack site knew where I came from though.



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  • 3 months later...
I really wouldn't be surprised if that were to become an official game cover!

LOL, it would be a great cover indeed! ;)


So this isn't really fanart... but still:



Nice! Too bad it isn't X-COM inspired art though. If you see something on the net which we don't have, let me know. :blink:


- Zombie

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  • 1 month later...

Hehe, yea... the sandvich was made by a friend of mine. I had the honors of eating it ;)


We're both total TF2 geeks ;)


Thx for putting the pic on the fanart page. I think I'll make a few others, though I'm usually really lazy lol.

I'll post em up as soon as they're done.


-Skrie :laugh:

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Great stuff! The plasma cannons are a nice touch instead of stupid missiles like the Avenger is normally shown with. I think the only time I ever used human-based weapons on that craft is when I needed to do some testing. ;)


Added it to the fan art page BTW. :laugh:


- Zombie

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A Large Scout probably full of cute little Sectoids is about to touch down. !


I know I didn't pay enough attention to the perspective...

(That's why I should have 3dmaxxed it lol ! :laugh: I still like the composition though ;)

I fantasized how these babies would look like in the sky !




-Skrie ;)

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