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Can't find aliens or that Synonium device thing

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So I went to that Alien activity site and flattened the first level. Now I'm about to do the same in the second level. I can't find the last freaking alien! Wasn't there a tool to show hidden aliens on the map?


Another thing is, it is said in the briefing that destroying that Synomium device and aborting the mission is also OK. But I can't find that Synomium thingie. How does it look like and hoe do I destroy it?

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There''ll be a big lift area, usually with a Hallucinoid or two up top (and they're quite well hidden) with a set of three spinning silver rings (they might not spin, I can't remember) balanced on top of each other at 45 degree angles like so:






but at 45 degree angles like I said. Destroy and evacuate :bleh:

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That's odd. The only lifts that go farther than level 1 are those leading to the X-COM spawn points and one single lift in that giant room w/ the Tentaculats all around. There are no other means to get to upper levels. And IMHO the map looks garbled, like it's a broken game or something.


Edit: Although I should be, uh, working I reloaded the savegame where there was only 1 alien left in teh first stage, killed it and got into the 2nd stage. Well guess what? There it worked! That freaking SOB game is just corrupted! AHHHHHHHRGH!!! :bleh:

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Could well be a slightly corrupted save/installation. I can;t see it being just the save if your maps are garbled.


Are you sure you're not running XcomUtil with the random map generator turned on or something?

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My suggestion would be to re install your MAPS, ROUTES and TERRAIN folders. That should stop the garbled maps. As for the Synomium device, see the pic below. :bleh:




- Zombie

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But then we don't reload do we Pete :bleh:


Just as a quick point to note... do bear in mind TT that the image Zombie posted above is in an alien colony, not in those funny alien activity sites. It was the Alien Activity site that Pete was describing room-wise and I think you were too probably...


Anyhoo, just thought I'd poke my nose in here to see what was still moving. Carry on guys!

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My bad, TV. Here is one of the Alien Artifact site just in case:




And from what I can determine, the Synomium device has 30 for armor, so basically any weapon will kill it. :bleh:


- Zombie

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The above picture doesn't appear to be the usual chamber that holds the synonium device, but the synonium device is that device in the middle.


Back to the black area with all the tentaculat cubbyholes in the upper levels and that central lift in the middle of the room. Have you tried entering the lift and going all the way up? Right at the top is a room that leads to the synonium device.


If you can't go up, perhaps there may be an alien just above you that's blocking your access. Prime a pulser and throw it up one level and try again.




edit: I've been trying to attach a sketch of what I mean, but am having trouble doing so.

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I think I know ehat you mean, but wasn't that a 4 tile lift leading to that Syno...something? I blew up the whole site and no remaining aliens or Synomium devices showed up. Isn't there a message supposed to appear when you destroy that device?
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Apologies, I haven't been to an alien activity site for a very long time. Not sure what role that module I posted before plays, but it's in the game files nonetheless. :bleh:


Here are all the the levels of the correct module. Level 4 contains the Synomium device:






And yes, a message should appear indicating that you destroyed the device and should dust off. :what:


- Zombie

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Perhaps it was for testing purposes or maybe it was slated to show up sometimes. If it was the latter, you would have to destroy multiple Synomium devices to win the mission. Thing is, the Synomium device in the pic I added a few posts back was on the lowest level. It's protected by tons of guards along the perimeter and one alien guards the device itself. (Compare this to the normal module where no aliens are guarding the device itself but on the lower levels plenty of aliens can spawn in the overlooks on L2&3). I don't know which module is worse - they are probably equally as tough. Sometime I'll have to swap the two modules to see how bad it really is. :what::bleh:


- Zombie

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I'd put in a guess as to say it would be easier on the lower level. Think about it, once you destroy the device you've won. You could send in a kamikaze soldier if it was on the lowest level without having to worry about the Tentac's as they wouldn't have another turn until the device was already destroyed. Prime a grenade a few turns before, enter the room and lob it then try to get out again. Doesn't really matter if he doesn't make it though eh! Think about that level with the old torp launcher though eh, piece o cake :bleh:
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The only place the other Synomium module could possibly show up is an Alien Artifact site. The map which is constructed only draws from the list of available modules possible for that terrain type. So for instance, you will not see a lava module show up in an Atlantis map (that is, unless you edit it in manually). :bleh:


- Zombie

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Hang on a tic... Remember how in alien bases the Synomium device was always down a hole? Anyone remember what the ground floor looked like cos I know I don't! 100% though that the bit in the middle is a small square room with one door as in that pic. Usually has about three or four Lobby's in...


Although. I seem to recall the room around that central chamber being a single square corridor with a double door into the main outsie(ish) area opposite the single door in that pic. So it wouldn't fit, close though :bleh: Someone try for a pic of that one if we can!

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