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The Legend of Patrick Stewart


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Rumors of this legendary man have finally been revealed. Few have actually seen him, but many tell stories of his exceptional abilities.


One of the few eyewitnesses has recently decided to share his memories of Patrick.




Also, we have two exclusive, never-before-seen shots of Patrick in action. (of course, these are pictures from his early days when he wasn't Captain yet)


"Ensign... engage"



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I have no idea. Apparently it is supposed to be taken from the Penny Arcade forum, however searching for the term x-com revealed no results.


By the way, the pictures are mine. :bleh: There was another guy I had with an interesting name, but I can't remember which and don't have images either. Oh and my Patrick Stewart was legendary as well, but I can't remember what happened to him... probably disappeared when funding was completely cut.

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One of my commanders was named James Taylor. He was great with a guitar and preferred to entertain the troops like a bard. Unfortunately he couldn't handle a Heavy Laser and died a miserable death. The guy which replaced him as commander was known as James 'Earl' Jones, a funny looking blonde white guy nonetheless. :what:


I also had soldiers named Frank 'Llyod' Wright (architect), Ed Bradley (60 Minutes), Don(ald) King (promoter) and Sara(h) Evans (country singer). Patrick Stewart is still my favorite though, and whenever get a "virgin" soldier named that way I train him into a commander asap. :bleh:


- Zombie

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So is it possible these tales of superhero celebrities are slightly stretching the truth with their heroic abilities, or do we reckon the Gollops are Trekkies and anyone named Patrick Stewart becomes pretty much invincible as soon as the game creates him?
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Don't be fooled by his red shirt - he'll be beamed away in the nick of time or something to cause one of those funny game clitches where someone traverses the entire map in a single step, or the computer mis-calculates and shows you the success screen.


The man is invincible... or so the legend goes.


And no, I don't think he really died in X-Men 3 either. :bleh::what:

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Well, he isn't perfect. He was abducted by the Borg and assimilated. In the series last episode he almost destroyed the universe. Q let him relive part of his past in which he was stabbed in the heart and did in fact die (I think). The only reason he survived was that Q brought him back. :what:


Unfortunately, all soldiers in X-COM are created more or less equal. They all have the same dismal range of starting stats, and all fall hard when nailed with a Blaster Bomb. Too bad Patrick Stewart wasn't programmed in to be an Easter Egg or something. That would have been cool. Even more cool? A new red-shirt armor skin with 100% resistance to all damage types. :bleh:


- Zombie

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I think in the episode where he went back and didn't get stabbed in the heart he actually ended up not taking chances, and as such never got past Ensign or Lieutenant, Zombie - a fate worse than death for him.
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And no, I don't think he really died in X-Men 3 either.


Of course he didn't. :bleh: Did you not stick around for the scene after the credits?


Those pictures appear to be duds, though. They come up as text, and trying to click on them as a link merely says I have no permission to see them. Has my picture viewing privileges been revoked without warning?

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