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Heads up, Brits!


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He must be on the Rockstar payroll, surely. Does he realise that waht he does achieves the opposite of what he wants?


Anyway, I hope he gets stopped by customs for having an invalid passport or something - you guys over the pond can keep him!

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He's probably going to be the best thing that could ever happen to the game developers, publishers and distributors. If his campaign reaches the attention of the mainstream media, we'll all be rushing out to get hold of a copy and find out what all the fuss is about.


Maybe Cenega could pay him to slate UFO: Afterlight... :bleh:

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Something tells me that British cynicism is going to slap him down - we're not as easily swayed or told what to believe as our transatlantic cousins.


He's as welcome as a turd in a swimming pool, but by all means let's see what that joker can do


Bring it on :bleh:

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Oh, joy. Jack Thompson.


Do you suppose that if we gave Customs a tip off that he was transporting drugs they'd act on it? :bleh:


Oh well, I very much doubt he'll get a great deal of media attention, Daily Mail, and Daily Express most likely. Even if he does get more attention it'll be short lived and as Detonate put it, he'll be viewed rather cynically.

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Now that StrategyCore has some fine modders out there.

Is it perhaps possible to make a small mod for Silent Storm where can give a Jack Thompson persona the treatment that you think he deserves without him offering no resistance at all? :bleh:

Much like the treatment I gave a certain A.I.M. member in Jagged Alliance 2 (Kill and reload loop until I no longer felt the urge and then I finally finished him of with my I.M.P. character).

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Do you suppose that if we gave Customs a tip off that he was transporting drugs they'd act on it?


"Bend over and spread 'em."


"I'm going to sue you, you pissant"


*the forceful sounds of cavity searching*

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Sorry what... This kid bludgeoned his friend to death with a hammer...


Ok so what the hell was that all about? I mean God knows there are a lot of screwed up people in the world but personally, and this is just me, if I felt obliged to kill someone in a video-game fasion because I was that damn dependant on it for entertainment... Well I'd pick someone I didn't like is all I'm saying...


But still, how the hell is it the games fault? Clearly this kid is extremely disturbed, I'm talking Michael Myers disturbed... If it wasn't bludgeoning poor old Billy it'd no doubt be a machete massacre in 2012 or a shooting in 2009 or who knows maybe one night when his family is asleep he'll go chop them into tiny pieces and serve them to little Lucy for breakfast!


Games don't make psychos, they may slightly influence already deranged minds but they don't turn nice little boys into killing machines.


That's my two cents anyway...

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Ok so what the hell was that all about? I mean God knows there are a lot of screwed up people in the world but personally, and this is just me, if I felt obliged to kill someone in a video-game fasion because I was that damn dependant on it for entertainment... Well I'd pick someone I didn't like is all I'm saying...


The game was actually owned by the victim. Something the media craze missed.

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See now that to me makes even less sense :bleh: I remember years ago I introduced one of my friends to TFTD and we played through a cruise ship mission together. Took literally days to get this mission right and we kept at it... He's still alive though.
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well to be honest it doesn't really bother me who owned the game or that they killed each other... Or that someone somewhere thinks it was the games fault... Or that this guy is coming to England...


To be honest I just really don't care :bleh: It's all rubbish isn't it lets be honest. We all play crazy games that involve mass genocide but we don't actually take it seriously enough to start killing people do we! :what:

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