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Choppy performance on the Geosphere

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Does anyone experience random choppiness when they spin the Mars geosphere around?.Maybe a patch will cure this.



I only experienced the Martian geosphere chopiness when letting it spin at full speed so I stopped doing that...

My graphics card is an Inno3d Nvidia Geforce 8800 GTS with latest drivers installed.

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I am sure my card is fine,it runs the missions smoothly (memory leaks were noticed on one mission however) with all graphical options on.The geosphere stutters when (like Gringo said) spun at high speed.From now on I will probably leave the geosphere in place and just click on things as and when required,turning only when needed (like wanting to view the opposite side of the planet ect).


For the record:


P4 CPU (with HT) @ 3.0ghz (I would like a new Dual Core mind you)

2056 RAM

ATI X800 PRO 256 MB (saving up for an X1950 :( ) with latest Catalyst drivers

SB Audigy 2



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AA? if anything that causes slowdowns,due to the card trying to smooth the edges of the graphics out.One thing that CAN be done (if you have it on) is to disable triple buffering on your card if not using virtual sync.I NEVER use that tripe virtual sync,I mean why do I want my game running at my monitors' speed?,a bit of tearing here and there is hardly noticable.One thing I can activate on my card is a setting called 'enable geometry instancing' which basically saves a graphic to an extra buffer ( I think) and is then able to reproduce that same graphic faster than when trying to render each graphic individually),but this is not really needed in :AL .I only ever used this when playing Oblivion,as that game uses massive geometry for drawing all the bloody trees and bushes hehe.


Tell me,what settings do you have enabled on your card?.Mine are:



AA - let the application decide (:AL has its own AA method and can cause problems if the card is also trying to use this)

Adaptive AA - disabled (this puts extra strain as it tries to smooth out transparent textures ect,not really needed in :AL)

AF x 16 (I use this in all games as it sharpens distant textures out as opposed to having them blurred.

Catalyst A.I - disabled (a special feature for all ATI cards,not really needed in :AL)

Mipmaps - high quality (better than low quality,obviously)

Vertical refresh - always off!

Enable geometry instancing - off

Support DXT texture formats - on (you should enable this for all games,apparently)

Alternate pixel centre - off

Triple buffering - off

force 24 bit Z buffer - let application decide (could cause problems if the game doesnt use/support it)

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I've also noticed bad delays in the geosphere, mostly late in the game, when moving the cursor on the sphere it takes a second for the borders to appear, also while turning the sphere choppyness is noticeable.


This didnt happen early in the game at all, and even late it doesnt happen just after starting the game, only after playing few missions. So its definetely the game.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Me too.


But I noticed this Choppy performance is not so significant at the beginning of when you enter the game, but after you play for an hour (or more). The longer time we play, the more choppy performance. :what:


May this is caused by Memory Leak of the game? :bleh:

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