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Mind Control


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I agree. So stop using psi-amps. :D


Personally, I don't mind the aliens using it. Yes, it's still unfair, but it merely represents a hurdle to overcome.


With the player, it becomes a far too powerful weapon. Since the player knows how to use it strategically. The aliens do not.


It's no wonder they toned psionics down in Apocalypse to what it is. Powerful in the right hands, but not so powerful that it becomes a crutch.



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Personally, I don't mind using Psionics. It's a part of the tactics. And it helps to keep your soldiers alive. Anyway, it's up to a player - to use or not to use the Psi, it's like the save-reload immortality.
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I think you guys just played XCom too much.


Thus,you don't need Psi.You're too good for Psi.

Psi makes the game TOO EASY for you.

I ate that.But that's another story...


You're apparently so used to XCom,you get bored of winning.

You even want to make the game HARDER,using certain Editors.

My coclusion is:

You need a new game.


*Pause.Someone says "Duh".*

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True, true.


You can blame the current (whoever they happen to be this hour) and previous owners of the X-Com 'title' for that.


On the other hand, you actually get to learn how to use some of the more underestimated and less used weapons and equipment to their full potential. Not to mention develop new tactics that can only but enhance your normal playing methods.


Look at me. I'm not really that good a player, but I rather enjoy using the pistols and the laser pistols - when a lot of people are not happy until they get the heavy plasmas or laser rifle. Back when I first started playing the game, I'd fall on the floor laughing if anyone ever suggested I use the dinky pistols to fight the aliens!


Or in Apocalypse, I really like using Androids, power swords and Explorers, though none of these are prime power-gaming material - thus most people treat them as overglorified paper weights. :D


It's just that I've gauged their limits, know what to expect from them, and then making use of their primary advantages to their fullest. (That's not to say that I'd willingly go up against mutons or sectopods with a pistol... that's suicide!)


In some ways, it's great to understand the game so well that you can just grab anything and still pull off feats with an overdose of finesse. :D


But not the TFTD dart pistol. No way will I ever acknowledge that as ever having existed in the entire X-Com series! Rarr!



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Dart Pistols are just...Medieval weapons compared to,say,Laser Pistols.

As much potential as they may have,they're not worth the cost.

I never remember using one (probably never did),

but it's name suggests a relatively long reload-that is,low ROF- to other Pistols.

Is that the reason (I completely agree with you if it is) ?



Yay! My 100th Post!

Etc. Etc. Etc.

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No, actually, they have very high rate of fire, even faster than Gauss Pistols. The problem is that they deliver relatively low punch. But, nevertheless, I've used them with heavy weapons guys early in the game. Later, of course, they were replaced by Gauss Pistols.
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Oh, the gun itself is okay. It's fast - which is a good thing - but the low damage combined with the fact that most of the aliens have more health and armour than their UFO counterparts, just doesn't bode well.


That's not to say that they cannot be used to good effect. They can.



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PSI is way too annoying early on, when you're still weak, having your people sent berserk is damn annoying... but yes, later on, making the aliens perform tricks is hilarious, the group picture thing for example is genius, I would have thought seeing how many you could blow up with a single high-explosive would be fun :D
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