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So far I have managed to hold the BM's back by pushing them out of my territory and taking out their gates. I now have about 2 thirds of the northern hemisphere and my terraforming stations have made the globe a nice greeny hue for large parts around my territory. I have just built my second lab and production facility and now my technology is on par with the BM'S (shotgun rules at close combat). I have not gone to war with the reticulans yet, want to make my own weaponry more powerful. Overall I am a little worried as the martians have awoken but havent done anything yet, and I need to upgrade my weaponry quickly to meet them.



You don't need to worry too much about the martains just yet, the beastmen get a lot lot tougher once the Matriarchs start to appear (too tough in some cases - there is no need to for based defence mission I had last night - 7 Matriarchs and 5 rollers. Honestly!!!! Claude was down to the tinest sliver of green health at the end of it - taking him 7 days to heal properly!


Much amusesment when Ute (80 year old granny who is my most experienced scout and fastest soldier on the planet :( ) was being chased all over the map by all 5 rollers at one point. lol!


Any how, best thing to do with the Expedition Reticulans is actually to ally with them - it is a lot easier in the long run. Much easier to break the truce with the Original reticulans and take them out - they aren't half as strong.


Matriarchs fall nicely to laser cannons using the powershot mode (fit them with coolers) as do all robots & mechs. Careful with the MArtians towards the end though, they are very powerful. I won't spoil the surprise any further for you though :(

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I'm trying to get the expedition (Who I am allied with) to give me some of their battle suits but to no avail


Same :(


They keep making ridiculous offers :D


Anyway I now contol about 1/3 of the planet with a terraforming station in each zone , slowly closing Beastman gates.


Should have some nice new research to do once I capture a beastman commander which is proving to be a hard task :(

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I've met the new reticulans, but haven't talked to them much. The original one's are proving to be an annoyance, and when I have the beastmen beaten back I'll take them out. I have a few laser cannons and rifles, and the warp cannon is proving very useful. Most of my guys now have good levels of training and can match the beastmen at long range firing. I have met a wide variety of beastmen, can't remember the names but some have green armour and some yellow, red beastmen are rare now. I'm hoping to build those smell maskers so they can't find me so easily and some add on's for the rifles.
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