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Alien Base Defenses......


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Simply, because their disguise is Perfect™. No one in their right mind will find them. No intelligent being will find them. They are concealed and will never EVER be located. Haha, anyone who says otherwise is a dime-wit.


Who needs big bulky defenses when the base cannot even be found?


Even if enemy forces somehow, no matter how inconceivable it may be, find their way in, their pathetic forces will be crushed to oblivion by the aliens' SUPERIOR forces and NUMBERS. Their defences are PERFECT and IMPREGNABLE! Whoever thinks otherwise is clearly in the wrong.


Of course, this is perhaps from the aliens' point of view. From your point of view, they'd probably do better than just cover the entrances with a few low bushes, or they could at least make some efforts to conceal the fact that they are even there by not landing the supply ships at same the spot one too many times! Yea, the local residents (and the infamous invisible X-Com agents that make themselves known from time to time) aren't that stupid or ignorant. :D




P. S: For some reason I've just reminded myself of a certain organisation's manual in the webcomic It's Walky!.


P. P. S: Do realise that I'm looking at X-Com from a corny B-grade movie point of view. I'm not being entirely serious here.

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Guest Sasquatch

Dude, it's so simple. All they need to do is make a flashing neon arrow that says,




and have it pointing at the entrance.



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See Sasquatch that's the differents between spam and comedy! :D


The bases must not have defenses... If battleships can survive X-Com defenses then a Skyranger would be torn to pieces by base sized plasma cannons. It would be an interesting fic if they did have defences though...

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See Sasquatch that's the differents between spam and comedy! :D

I think there's a very thin line separating both... but before I start digressing off topic let's get back to the matter of alien base defenses.


It all has to do with alien psychology, see? Put yourself into their position: you've travelled 10 billion kilometers in a cramped spaceship, having to put up with the same crew for a tremendous period of time, barely having any privacy and then they tell you that you're going to be sent to a lousy planet, where the only good thing about it are cows (that's the hidden objective of the aliens: they want to replace all humans with bovines, not taking control over the world), plus you don't leave base since all leaves have been cancelled by the alien commander, which has all alien commodities on Mars. Therefore, you have a base filled with pissed aliens who carry weapons all the time and have become so agressive that their commanders had to lock them up inside otherwise they'd go hunting for burgers. Now would you also allow them to have BIG plasma cannon defenses ready to be used to shoot down everything that flies over just because the aliens inside are pissed and frustrated? :ninja:


PS - The line is also much thinner between comedy, spam and pure nonsense. :D

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And, Hobbes, they are genetically engineered species at most, so they don't seem to have psychological behavior.

It really depends on your definition of psychological behavior. The way I see it it's when you can induct patterns of behaviour from a cognitive being's actions that the lifeform can be made aware or not. Or, in another way, when the inner workings of a brain can be mostly predicted from observation and they are not exclusive to self-preservation of itself (getting food, reproduction and so on).

Genetics can have a role on determining a species' psychology but since we only know one species that is intelligent (i.e. us humans) we would have a great dificulty into grasping and understanding the alien's psychological behaviour.

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Maybe the bases are relatively easy to spot because of the great big UFO sized access lift that has "Made In Cydonia" written all over it so they decided not to bother building defenses because they would look a little more obvious than a lift with a few ferns placed over it?
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I think he's you're both right Hobbes/Cyrus :D They do show behaviour characteristic to themselves and therefore are individuals, boasting at least some kind of pshychology about them! On the other hand though, each of them would behave in exactly the same way as another... They are all cloned after all.



Two sectoids standing vat different distances from a tossed grenade... Grenade explodes causing closest Sectoid to panic due to fear of death. Second sectoid is further away and therefore not affected by the explosion... However if the two were to change place prior to the explosion the outcome would remain identical to that just outlined... Therefore the psychological behaviour of the aliens can be questioned as hive like and therefore not individual and at best instinct...

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huh? but dont forget the ships that the aliens use to attack bases are huge compared to your ships. So the defences would be designed to defend against huge alien ships not little human ships. So no damage is ever done to your ships.


Think of the way the Rebels destroyed the death star in Star Wars. The defences were designed for big ships not little incy wincy ships.

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That's a good point... Maybe they're expectoing huge carriers... But still I think with the speed of descent that the skyranger has to take to land it would be picked off fairly easily... Besides we would see the weapons when we assaulted the base... I think the programmers decided a base assault mission would be hard enough without extra defences to plow through before you even touch down!
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Or maybe the lack of defences is a stealth manouvere.


Lets assume that the bases with or without defences are completely hidden and nobody can see them. Bases have reactors to fuel them, reactors powered by elerium, an unstable radioisotope that we can detect (like the aliens can detect X-COM bases from the brainwaves of the base personnel, only we were smart enough to create mind-shields)


And the obvious fact that defences are not needed because there are a large number of kamikazee aliens guarding the damn thing (which raises the question, why not bomb the damn thing with an Interceptor :devil: ? )

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