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UFO Aliens


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As you can probably all tell by now, I'm obsessed with the idea of an X-COM movie :D


The point of this thread is to discuss what alien characteristics you think should be shown if an X-COM movie were made... and possibly an example of how the filmmakers would allude to it if it is not visibly obvious...


Here's a pic to help you think:



These are my early thoughts from reading the UFOpaedia and strategy guide:



  • 1.6m tall
  • Commanders and Leaders are psionic
  • Fairly weak


  • 2.1m tall
  • Strong
  • Carnivorous
  • Cybernetic implants
  • Armoured skin


  • 1.8m tall
  • Very slow
  • Slithers
  • Touch, scaled skin
  • Reduced damage from fire


  • 2.1m tall
  • Can float... albeit unsteadily
  • Well-developed sensory organs


  • 2m tall
  • Highly psionic
  • Most organs are atrophied
  • The brain is the only fully-developed organ


  • 1.2m tall
  • Very accurate
  • Tracks human brainwaves
  • Molecular acid venom


  • 2.1m tall
  • Amazingly fast w/ high stamina also
  • Very strong
  • Impregnates people with egg, making zombies
  • High cell growth rate (ie. Wolverine-like healing)


  • 1.5m tall
  • Well-armoured
  • Self-detructs when damaged


  • 2.3m tall
  • Carnivorous
  • Two hearts and brains
  • Very strong


  • 2.3m tall
  • Strong armour
  • Laser effects its sensory equipment


  • 1m tall
  • Very slow
  • Makes heat
  • Uneffected by fire

And yes, I know I have too much spare time :D

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And the Ethereals should not be able to carry weapons because of the atropy


And make them blind and deaf, seeing and hearing with their immense minds


Lets not forget the introduction of SectoHumes

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Or if ethereals do carry weapons, have it psionically carried (They have telekinesis).


I was thinking, maybe have a 'negative' light aura around psionically capable aliens - the more psi strength, the stronger the negative light. I suppose that telekinesis and other psionic abilities would require energy, and what better place to get it than from one's surroundings? (So light energy and thermal energy are probably most readily available, so draw a bit of power from there.)

And a dark aura would probably add to a 'scary mood' type thing if done properly.


Yeah, make ethereals damn scary. Ringwraith-ish, maybe.


I dunno about blind and deaf, exactly, though it could still be an option. But definitely have enhanced senses because of psionics, though I doubt it could be shown. Maybe stuff like 'seeing' movement through walls and solid objects. Maybe psionically pinpointing other living creatures.


I want ethereals to be scary! Scary scawy SCAAAWEEY!

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Maybe Ethereals could be semitransparent. XCOM didn't have the technology for alpha channel transparency in the graphics, but what if the presence of an Ethereal was sort of like a ghost - they make the area a little darker like Ali suggested, plus you can see through them a bit, as they exist mostly in a different plane/dimension and are Not Of This World.


Their plasma rifles would have to hover. Good thing no-one's mentioned recoil.


Maybe they can't walk through walls, but they might not notice them as much as we would - blind and deaf could be an interesting way to portray them, if they sense nearly everything through psi powers instead.

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