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Exoskeletons for human performance augmentation


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LOL........?????? ;):(:)


Theres no need for powercords if the troops using powersuits are stationed with an APC like vehicle that can recharge them. They are driven to the combat site and deployed. The armored guys go kick butt and then return to the APC after combat for redeployment and recharging. This in my opinion is the only practical application for any power armor combat troops with todays power supplies. I would estimate that on vital areas (chest, head, back, etc) the armor could easly be 1 inch + in thickness of probly a mix of soft armor (kevlar and the like) and hard armor (steel, titanium, ceramics) creating a powerful and weight effective defense aginst small arms.

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You wouldn't need powercords. What you really want is a very lightweight suit that can be moved without power, while it's being worn. It can be switched on when the troops need a boost. It's ridiculous to sit there doing nothing in an elevator while the power suit just drains juice.
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I don't like the idea of powersuits. Not because if anything technical, but who will use it? I mean what will it be used for? To me it seems to be just usefull in urban combat. I mean in open battlefields you have some heavy artillery firing clusterbombs and that was it with powersuit infantery. But in urban combat, combat who? A terrorist organisation every now and then? Enemy troops? Both of this will happen, but I think not quite often. But if you think about it powersuits are perfect for controlling your own population. (If you happen to be a state of course.) Those things are just screaming anti riot police force.

But before I start a dicussion wether the leaders of germany, britain or the usa a just a bunch of bloodsucking murderers who would sell their own grandmas or some nice people who work hard well-being of their populations, let's consider Saudi-arabia gets those things. (And it will.

It's rich and it's got perfect relation with the usa.) They'd equip a special force with that stuff, that now could really beat the shit out of any demonstrant, cristian emmigrant or women which don't wear the burka. Those things would take ANY (as far they are existing) advantage from opressed people who want to raise against their government. :) You want food? Here you get a mechanically enforced kick in the groin! ;)

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Theres no need for powercords if the troops using powersuits are stationed with an APC like vehicle that can recharge them.

It would be a helluva of a lot easier for the opponents to take out the APC.....when the power suits ran out of juice they would be easy targets.

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You gottta have some beaslty intell to know where a certain transport is and who there transporting in the middle of a battle. What im saying is use power armor as shock troopers which go in and take out heavily fortified areas. There purpose is purely offensive and are pulled out after completing there attack. If the enemy could take out the APC when its pulling out after standard troops reinforce the area they must be some tough enemy or have some very very presice long range weapons.


Also Saudia Arabia and the US have a very complex relationship. The US wants there oil but doesn't like the country and what they do. The only reasion we don't mess with the saudies is because of there black gold. Also a government doesn't need power armor to stop demonstators all they need is a few soviet surplus tanks and lots of machinegun bullets.

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Or stun gas? That would work. But honestly, the mechanical kick in the groind is much more painful. "Hey would you like to be stunned or kicked in the groin?"

"Ooh groin please" "Wham" ;) *falls over*


Besides, the suits still have to tackle the issue of small rocket systems. Even in Urban combat the bad guys are going to use LAW rockets or something even smaller. One shot will either blow the suit up, or if lucky, knock you over where you're vulnerable. How bulky is the power suit going to be makes a lot of difference. However it'll be great against bullets, most of them... Or explosives.

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You gottta have some beaslty intell to know where a certain transport is and who there transporting in the middle of a battle. What im saying is use power armor as shock troopers which go in and take out heavily fortified areas.

You wouldn't need that much intel. If the enemy had power suits in a battle, you'd know that there would be an APC laying around. Either follow the power suits or their tracks (since they would leave some large ones due to their weight) and voila: there's the APC.

The APC would have to be camouflaged and/or defended to survive because a simple air attack could take it out, along with the troops standing nearby.

I agree that it could be used against heavily fortified areas with success. However you'd need to have superiority on air and ground to protect its support facilities. And the first use would probably be the most successful because of the surprise effect. After it its use would be less, since like they say about tanks, in the race between firepower and armor, firepower always wins.

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