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Around My Neighborhood

Guest Sasquatch

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Guest Sasquatch

I live in the suburbs. It's very small, but not like a dwarf town for midgets. There is nothing but white kids except for a bug. I have a small cluster of friends that aren't like most kids, because we play X-Com for most of our waking hours. It's so cool. I love to make the alien blow up.


Anyway, I've noticed that most of my friends are, well, kind of geeky. NOT cool like you all seem to be. Like my one friend, Marcus, likes to pick his nose while he works out a strategy. He sometimes picks so hard that his nose starts to bleed and he's gotten blood on my mouse more than a few times from this.


My other pal, Tim Tim 'The Chin', will get extremely pouty if he starts to lose. Sometimes he throws himself on the ground and refuses to play anymore. He's a big kid, so when he flings himself to the ground, he damages whatever is underneath him. I have lost my favorite baseball card because he threw himself on it and bite it apart in anger. He's also a closet re-loader, he won't admit he reloads constantly. He won't reload in front of us, he'll tell us to 'look over there' and then load so by the time we're done staring at something shiny (like some pants), he miraculously has all his men back in the transport. He says, 'They retreated and I moved them all back real quick'.


Then there's Mark, and I'm starting to doubt him. He has a few weird quirks. Like anytime he gets interested in something, he immediately smells it. Even if it's a picture in a magazine that he likes, he has to smell it. He tried explaining it to me, but I still don't understand. He sniffs his desk all the time and sometimes when he's playing XCom, he'll start inching closer to screen each round until his nose is right there.


So this plunges my world into disarray. The kids here who like Xcom are all werid, except for me, because I am the most awesome. I can skateboard and do a backflip, but that's ANOTHER post. Anyway, I hope everyone who plays Xcom isn't as weird as my friends. They're dorks but I don't think you guys are. Bye for now, I'm making pop tarts (They are the ones with YOGURT in them and that excites me).


P.S. What should a guy do to get a girlfriend?

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Guest Sasquatch

Here is a list of some of these jokes. You, my new ultra-savy peers, should tell me which to use.



Q: 'What did the sectoid say to the saucer?'


A: 'Haven't I flown in you before?'




Q: What's your favorite computer brand?


A: Mine is better.



Knock, Knock


Who's there?


Go out with me.


(Grab and kiss her.)

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I thought you said all of your friends were wierd except you? You're incredibly strange :D Everyone has their little quirks, and I think that's what this thread will soon become. Tell us what your own little oddity is! Mine would probably be the lack of order to my life... It's not so much a quirk but it's chaotic! I sleep the strangest hours in the world (damn you open university!) and I'll eat nothing at all some days and others I won't stp eating. When I go out I just do it with no plans, when I do make plans it always goes wrong anyway :ninja: I hardly ever play XCom strangely enough but I spend most of my time spent on the internet on this site! Wierd but hey...


Girlfriend? :D I'm not even going to go there!

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Bye for now, I'm making pop tarts (They are the ones with YOGURT in them and that excites me).

And you wonder what his oddity is. https://www.angelfire.com/games3/jeffy90/images/smilies/sarcastic.gif



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Sasquatch what the hell was that for? You are totally out of line! If you aren't prepared to have fun poked at you from time to time then leave now and DO NOT come back! I just hope I have this post deleted before any of our respected members read it...
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Guest Sasquatch
No other 'works of art' really, but if you want, feel free to ask me questions about any of my friends. I'll answer each to the best of my knowledge (Marcus puts raisins on everything).
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Tell us what your own little oddity is! Mine would probably be the lack of order to my life... It's not so much a quirk but it's chaotic! I sleep the strangest hours in the world (damn you open university!) and I'll eat nothing at all some days and others I won't stp eating. When I go out I just do it with no plans, when I do make plans it always goes wrong anyway :D I hardly ever play XCom strangely enough but I spend most of my time spent on the internet on this site! Wierd but hey...


Girlfriend? :D I'm not even going to go there!

You're life sounds a lot like mine at the moment :P I'm working nights, so I sleep very odd hours (like today was 05:00 to 13:30) and because of the odd hours I work, I rarely eat on a regular basis...


As for X-Com, I haven't actually "played" it since '99, but have been working sporadically on a screenplay in the meantime and since finding this site a few months ago, seem to back in the X-Com frame of mind again... Hence the Online UFOpaedia! :D hehe


I have a long-term girlfriend, but once again, due to my varying work-hours, we only see each other for a few hours at a time most days :ninja: Hopefully I'll be options trading by february next year so things might change... who knows...

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I don't play X-Com terribly much these days. But then, I don't really have time, what with all the posts I make here... https://www.angelfire.com/games3/jeffy90/images/smilies/sarcastic.gif Seriously, though, I have too much work. https://www.angelfire.com/games3/jeffy90/images/smilies/confused.gif But I get a break soon, so that's good. https://www.angelfire.com/games3/jeffy90/images/smilies/smile.gif
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Well...needless to say...I find your friends weird. But they seem like an okay bunch.


X-Com wise I've been thrust into a new age of X-Coming, - UFO:Aftermath, however, I have yet to finish TFTD so I must go on a quest and complete it, and then, I must purchase Enforcer and realise that my money has been wasted, but finish the game anyway.


However the last time I played X-Com was probably sometime earlier this year, however I'm going to download something that I think is really cool - an X-Com mod for Civ3 :o :inlove:


Finally, on the note of a girlfriend, find some lass that you like, and either ask her out, or make friends with her and get to know her, however this can backfire, with the whole 'Let's be friends' thing. But hey the latter of the two worked for me, and I've been with my Girlfriend for about a year now. :D


So enjoy life and well, don't worry you've got your own little quirks that your mates must think you're weird for, like the ability to ride a skateboard! :D (I can't ride the bloody things, but I can fix computers and take 'em apart and put 'em back together again!)

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Ego I'm surprised at you! Aftermath is nothing to do with X-Comming... It's just an off-spun way to make money with the greatest idea in gaming history... Secondly I've resurrected my Enforcer game lately and it's not actually all that bad... It's very arcady but if you try to ignore the fact that I killed 1400 aliens in ten minutes it's quite good fun. Like interceptor I find the best bit of the game trying to get all of the research done so when I do a mission I don't complete it until I've got access to the bonus level, the researchable item and about 400 data points in kills...

Thirdly! I had a friendship with one of my recent girlfriends which developed into a relationship for over 13 months. It was interesting actually because the friendship developed when my then current girlfriend introduced herto me :D

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Point is BB, Enforcer IS XCom, it has sectoids, and crappy mutons and snakemen :D It may have been (and was indeed) a pretty crappy resultant game but it is undeniably XCom. Aftermath is simply another game with a slightly similar interface and gameplay as the original XCom games. The reason I never bought it personally was because the storyline sounded incredibly unrealistic and I just didn't like the idea of anything that conflicted with our good old XCom timeline :D
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UFO: Aftermath isn't x-com cause they call sectoids grays (how original). Actually UFO: Aftermath is more like UFO: Enemy Unknown than Enforcer is but somehow Enforcer is more like x-com than UFO aftermath (Strange isn't it)


Also your neighborhood sounds nice. I wish i lived there instead of this rat hole im in. I live in a place called Lakeside which is a getto+2. At night theres silence (sence the people who would normally be yelling have been shot) and nobody is ever ourside during the day (in fear of being shot). The people are nice to each other (in fear of being shot) and there isn't any burglary (in fear of being shot). The area is called lakeside because theres a small lake/pond but nobody knows it (because there too worried about being shot). Truely my neighborhood is one bad place to live but i wouldn't say it to the other people that live there (cause you would get shot).


-Psy Guy- :D

(Now you know why i wear power armor)

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Guest Sasquatch
I got shot once and it didn't even hurt. I don't know how a bullet can kill someone. I got shot in the head and it didn't even hurt.
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