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Warhammer: Dawn of War vs Starcraft

baby arm

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TCancer's resident code monkey and troublemaker, DarkUnderlord, spent the last month playing nothing but Relic's Dawn of War and decided to share his thoughts on why it doesn't stack up against Blizzard's Starcraft. To him, it all comes down to the balance (or possible lack of).

The best example of this is with the Orks. The Orks are a fun race who have a habit of putting guns on everything. That is, every building has defensive guns. In an early game, it makes your opponent think twice about attacking you. However, if he's taken out your army in the field, he doesn't need to. All he does is have a few units camp outside your base, to prevent you from sending anything out. Meanwhile, he captures any strategic points you have and then some more. You simply have no way of defending them. He gets more resources while your resources slowly dry up. Whatever plans you had of a great comeback if only you could get that tank out are done and dusted. By the time you have enough resources, he's sending in three tanks to finish you off. What's worse is that Dawn of War has a number of other factors which compound this problem even more.

Read the full review here. And feel free to share your own thoughts about whether or not the author is full of it.


relic00077.jpg relic00085.jpg

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Ts, Starcraft! :( DoW at least has Orcs, reason enough for me to consider it better :):D

Joking aside, i really wonder why all those starcraft players have to make negative comments about all other RTS games, there were even several days when the relic DoW forum was attacked and spammed by Starcraft players, luckily the Admins were warned before the attacks began. Those guys need to get a real life...

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there were even several days when the relic DoW forum was attacked and spammed by Starcraft players

Ah, so that's why the thread at Relic about this article was locked after a few posts. I thought they were just being overly sensitive.

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I dunno... I enjoyed Starcraft, it was indeed a fine RTS up there with the best, but I've always felt that Total Annihilation was a far superior game, the balance was good, the weapons awesome. (A nuke, that nuked, huge fricking plasma cannons etc...) and the modding community that sprung up around it has made the game even better.


Well thats my 2 pence anyway.

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Absolutely correct. Total Annihilation is my favourite RTS, too. And a lot of other people i know feel the same, too. I hope Supreme Commander will be a worthy succesor, judging from the screenshots of the beta i think it will.


Starcraft is not bad, either. I never had the Broodwars addon, was it good?

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