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Aliens on the manual's cover...


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On the cover of the UFO: Enemy Unknown manual, what the hell are those aliens meant to be!?!?!?


For those of you who might not have seen it, I'll try and describe what they look like:

They're about twice human height, with a head like a praying-mantis, except there's several tendrils coming off it like hair and whiskers and it has a mouth full of sharp teeth and a huge spike from each cheek... Then it has a body looking like the roots of some tree or vine with a spiralling column down the centre... Then there's the "arms" which are just metal poles with some strange Asimov(sp?)-like gun upon the end... :D


Why is it there? Why aren't there Sectoids and Chryssalids on the cover?? What was going on???

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That's one of two covers that come with the game. The other is that incredibly souped up Avenger with propulsion boosters flying away from Mars.


That Avenger isn't in the game either. :D



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I always think the alien on the cover looks like a cybernetically enhanced Tentuculat. :D Maybe it's what the alien brain used to look like before it was made a stationary beacon type of thing...


I also like to think of the souped up Avenger as the normal craft with additional sections attached for extra fuel and living quarters. That journey takes several days! they can't be expected to sit up through it and still perform well once they arrive!

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I think, that the artist, who had drawn the cover, was not from Mythos, but maybe was hired by Microprose, so he could be unaware of the particular aliens in the game, or even about the storyline etc.


And it really looks like an insectoid (I mean this mysterious alien, not the artist). :D


Or it is some prototype of Tentaculat. Maybe the designers had the ideas about including it in the game, but later had changed their mind.


Maybe it's better to ask Julian (Gollop) ? :D

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