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Not quite... Both of them use the hyphen on the box and occasionally in the manual but both manuals also use XCom, usually much more often than they use X-Com. However! The earlier versions of both games, so says NKF (and if he doesn't know then it's not worth knowing!) may not use X-Com on the box at all. I personally imagoine they would do now I come to think of it. As it was X-Com that they registered for use... XCom can be used by nyone without risking a court case...
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I suppose you could think of it this way. They started off with UFO Defense/Enemy Unknown, and used XCOM as the name of the organisation you start with. At this point, the future of the game was uncertain, and would've probably stayed as it is. But we know that this never happened!


But later, as the game universe was expanded and became more defined, the hypenated version became the norm, and as the older games were repackaged (rereleases, CE, Terror Unknown, etc), they started to add the standardised name to the packaging, manuals, advertisements, etc. As for not updating the name in the game itself -- well, I doubt they ever thought we'd pay much attention, or even quibble about the missing hypen. :D



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I'll better not post messages to this thread. Or else BB will trail foam all over me also :D


By the way, don't you all think, that this thread has become a little bit offtopic? Maybe go on to something new? :bored:

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You are too late!! https://www.angelfire.com/games3/jeffy90/images/smilies/killcrazed.gif


However... I will restrain myself. https://www.angelfire.com/games3/jeffy90/images/smilies/yinyang.gif


Topic? What was the topic? Oh, yeah, topics, those things. if anyone is interested, they will steer it back on track. Until then, this is all just commentry.

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