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Cyber Nations


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I just wanted to tell everyone of a wonderful online game called Cyber Nations ( https://www.cybernations.net/default.asp ) that is free to play for anyone. You can fight wars, or grow in peace, and do so alone or in one of the many alliances.


At first, you create your own country wherever on Earth you want, and choose what country it is (government, religion, etc). You start with two resources (like gold, or cattle) and can trade with other countries -- some resources combine to make a new resource, like Fast Food or Beer... :D The first two or three days nobody can attack you, and if you want to live in peace afterwards you can choose to be a peaceful country so no one can attack you. That makes you grow very slow however, so it is good for your country to fight a war every now and then.


But people do not like when others just attack at random -- such people are called "rogues" and are often attacked and beaten to a pulp if they make trouble for the big alliances. There are very many alliances, all voluntary to join, and they go from democracies to dictatorships, from communists to fascists (though they do not like to be called that). Many alliances are joined together into very large alliances, and there has already been two World Wars fought between them.


The game has its own forum, where there is much role-playing, declarations of war, taunting of enemies, trading of resources, and so on. Many people are so active in that forum I wonder if they have time to play the game...


Well, this is my plan: why can't many of us from here go over there and start our own alliance? There have been several migrations from other forums (such as SA, /b/ and other places I have never heard of) and their alliances are now among the biggest. I thought of people from the Silent Storm forum at first, but everyone is welcome!


What do you think? At least go and see what it is all about ( https://www.cybernations.net/about.asp ) and hopefully we can be powerful in Cyber Nations!


(I do not want to lie, so I must say that my own country may get some extra things for "advertising" here, if the admin likes it, but that is not really why I post this. I love this game and want more people to join the fun. How about a StrategyCore Alliance?)

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Well, I did not want to confuse poeple with something new in the middle of an old thread, so I asked permission for this.


My brother joined two months before me, just after the latest great almost-world-war, and then his alliance had a coup d'état that tried to make a dictatorship out of their democracy. He sat up all night long and cursed and shouted, but in the morning the coup was defeated. Now it is "uneasy peace" between the largest alliances, so it could be a good time to sneak in a new alliance and take a share of the world!


(I am sorry... I am very poor at advertising, for it feels strange. :D But I am having very much fun at least, and would like if we could go there in force.)


(I thnk my English gets worse every minute -- time for bed...)

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It is much easier to read or speak, but when you have to write for many people to see it, like here, it takes too much time to think of how to write it and it becomes like work...


I think I spell good, but sometimes I do not get the right words to use.






Wait one minute! What happened with my latest post? I had edited it to add much other things and now it is not threre any more? But I saw it when i wrote it and it looked like it would edit the post, and now it is all gone?


All my hard work... :D

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I think that I tried like the Fast Edit (or whatever it was called) and then I did not find a button to say "enough with this, and post it" -- so I hit "Complete Edit" and perhaps my addition was lost somewhere like that.


Oh well... It does not appear that anyone is very interested anyway. :D

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The ancient Welsh kingom of Brycheiniog has taken the opportunity to throw off the shackles of centuries of English oppression :D


Now all I need to figure out is why my people seem to want totalitarian rule and a modern monothestic Middle Eastern religion when they are a Celtic people whose capital is located on a crannog in Wales :)

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You should post that in the Tammy thread, maybe the citzens of Tamriel can help you :)


Sadly, there is already an alliance called the Empire of Tamriel. I didn't feel like joining these pretenders to the throne and changing the system from within, so I joined the Green Protection Agency instead. Go GPA - as long as they hurry up with that aid package they promised :D

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I joined team Orange

I'm trying to join Orange Shadow Force but they seems to be ignoring me. :)

So let them roast on their orange rear for now....

Did you get the aid package from GPA?


Update: I checked out OSF Forum and it appears that I am now a member! :D

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There is always the option of a small donation to CN. :D Which I made and got a major boost all over the line.

Bought a harbor (For that extra trade route) , land, infrastructure, military personnel and some tanks.

I am still looking around for the right kind of resources. Mainly by asking the newbie nations with the right kind of resources.

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You realise you're only just short of the top 10,000? That inspired me to look into the donations offers, but it means usuing PayPal. And that means spending an hour each day sifting through the PayPal scams instead of using my spam filter to delete anything with the word PayPal in the title. My aid came through today, so I'm not bothered :D
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But I guess where there is money there will always be scam artists. Unless they messed around with the wrong people and disappear into thin air overnight.


Oh, don't we wish... I received one of those "Your PayPal account must be updated" e-mails. Laughed my rear off, seeing as how I don't have one! :D

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I think I'm glad now that I didn't make that donation.


A white supremacist group has been systematically infiltrating one of the alliances and siphoning off in-game resources to be build themselves up for when they declared their hand. It turns out that a few of them were already in other alliances, including mine. The game is not quite so much fun now :D

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The funny thing is that all those Nazi cretins went into peace mode before they made their move. Except the one who was in my alliance and is now geting a good kicking. He is now crawling back to us for protection and claiming that it's all a misunderstanding. So much for their belief in their alleged racial superiority :D
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