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Xcom CE and Nvidia card


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Well, this isn't a very good fix, but I use this approach to play the CE version: I disable my graphics card completely. This forces the game to run under the "legacy" windows graphics drivers. Seems to work fine, but you have to remember to enable the card if you want to play videos, DVD's or current games which are graphics-intensive. :D


- Zombie

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Thanks for the answers and links. BB, the loaders fix seem to be what i need. And Zombie is right, loader too stated that disabling the card works, but is an not so elegant method.


Edit: The game still doesn't work, the monitor goes black and "mode not supported" appears. I can hear the game running correctly , though...

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If the monitor complains, then I'd say it's a monitor issue. Do you have another one you could try plugging in to confirm that?


Mok's EXE that I linked above uses a different resolution to the normal game, or so I believe. Have you tried that too?


I'd also try disabling the hardware acceleration, via the Nvidia control panel (which lets you specifically disable it just for this game). Also use the Windows compatibility modes to force 256 colors, and disable visual themes.


What sort of video card are you using, by the way? :D

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