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The Transformers

Azrael Strife

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Gosh, this young man in a big man's body is excited too, but I hope it doesn't come out too soon. The recent first wave of the interim toy line, Classics, has just given my wallet a serious case of cash anorexia.



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I am looking forward to this movie as much I did to the Lord of the Rings Trilogy. I grew up with the Transformers and spent quite the sum on getting the various Transformers. :D But I unfortunately gave them away to an old friend when I got 'tired' of them.... :)

Even if it is a teaser and is not consistent with the Transformers history (The Autobot ship known as The Ark crashed on Earth millions of years ago carrying all earthbound Transformers) it is still a cool trailer.

The Mars angle could be that the there was two ships.

One Deception that crashed on Mars and the Autobots that crashed on Earth.

Then how does the Deceptions get to Earth? And how are the Autobots alerted to the Deceptions presence on Earth?

Questions Questions....

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I am looking forward to this movie as much I did to the Lord of the Rings Trilogy. I grew up with the Transformers and spent quite the sum on getting the various Transformers. :) But I unfortunately gave them away to an old friend when I got 'tired' of them.... :D

Even if it is a teaser and is not consistent with the Transformers history (The Autobot ship known as The Ark crashed on Earth millions of years ago carrying all earthbound Transformers) it is still a cool trailer.

The Mars angle could be that the there was two ships.

One Deception that crashed on Mars and the Autobots that crashed on Earth.

Then how does the Deceptions get to Earth? And how are the Autobots alerted to the Deceptions presence on Earth?

Questions Questions....

Maybe the story hasn't changed THAT much as we could think from the trailer :) I think a possible explanation could be that the decepticons were in Mars looking for energy (I vaguely remember in the cartoons they were always looking for energon) when they meet the explorer, but before that the story is the same. Who knows, I know I will be watching it no matter what :)

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  • 8 months later...

In the original, the Autobots and Decepticons had two seperate craft: The Ark and the Nemesis, respectively. However, the Decepticons boarded the Ark prior to it crashing to Earth.


Beastwars (which at first seems unrelated to the original story) claims that the Nemesis did the same, albeit with no crew on board.

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I've read the novel. It in no way attempts to maintain any form of continuity and is rather a bland read. But that's usual for lots of special effects films. Just from reading it, the novel is bogged down by lots of human characters that are just attitude with legs and the excessive use of brand lables. Snickers, Brasso, X-Box, Porsche and VW (well, a jab at these two companies rather than a promotion), etc. Hopefully this won't be so blatant in the movie.


In the end though, roll it all together and I'm sure it'll be a smashing movie. Some of the toys are.



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From what I can make out of Beast Wars, it was retconned into G1.


The reason the Nemesis was empty must be because all perished onboard. The only Decepticon survivors are those aboard the Ark, due to Teletran 1's stasis field. And because they wanted to retcon Transformer Sparks, they completely mangled the Autobot Matrix mythology.


Oh, and by the way, the movie opens here in Malaysia on the 28th of June. Dunno how to take that news. On the one hand, it's Transformers, I wanna see it! On the other hand, well, the redesign pretty much says it all...


I mean, what they did to Bumblebee is unforgivable! The only similarity this one has is that he's yellow. That's it. I mean, not even his little horns! And from what I heard, he doesn't even get a speaking role due to his voice modulator being destroyed and not repaired.


*sighs* The absolute worst are all those comments from obvious kiddies who say the original Optimus is a fire truck. :)

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After reading the feedback from IMDB I'm convinced that these are not Transformers, it may be a good film, but it will never be The Transformers :)


They are literally raping the transformers with all those cartoons, too, I recently watched one single Transformers Armada (or was it Energon?) episode, it was worse than I could have expected! Not only did they not make their classic transform noise, but when the robot transformed back to robotic form, it made a 'special' move when completed and stood in a pose, a l

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I'm pretty damned sure the original was animated, too. :)


That's not what I'm lamenting. You need to look at the picture.


There's Optimus with a wide chest, small waist, thin legs, and a jaw.


He's not a robot, he's a painted beefcake!

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That's not what I'm lamenting. You need to look at the picture.


There's Optimus with a wide chest, small waist, thin legs, and a jaw.


He's not a robot, he's a painted beefcake!

Not to mention he is a firetruck in that one :)

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Heheh, I saw the picture. :)


My point was that the show discription doesn't seem to offer anything the original didn't. Though it may be marginally better at turning the next generation of kids into potato heads.

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We'll just have to wait and see, it might look goofy but if it has a good story, it might just pull off another Beast Wars (as in highly bizzare concept turning into a cult hit). But considering the lasting appeal of the storylines in the last three animated series, I'm not going to keep my hopes up too high this time.


That Optimus looks like an extention of Cybertron/Galaxy Force Prime but with a bigger jaw. Not that a firetruck is bad, but I kind of preferred the old diesel truck and trailer deal myself.


I haven't seen the movie yet, but I've been reading the comments rolling in over at my local TF message forum and it seems to be very well received so far. Even the most hardened of critics appear to want to go and watch the movie again. I'm mainly holding out for the DVD release.



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My brother watched it on opening night (the rat), and his verdict was good, he'd like to watch it again as well as own the DVD.


Also, if anyone was hoping for the raspy-voiced, Kane-style Frank Welker's Megsy, forget it. This one is the suave-voiced Megatron of Beast Wars. Not that this is bad, but I think the firearm Megatron was more dangerous. Partly due to his violent, obsessive and unstable personality, but that's just me :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

The only Transformers series I ever enjoyed was Beast Wars, mostly because it felt a lot more personal with characters than any of the other Transformers series.


I went to see the movie last week, and my jaw hit the floor. Unfortunately, I'm actually not a purist when it comes to movie adaptations. (For example, I really enjoyed movies like Mario Brothers, Doom, and Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within, even though people hated them so much because they were not true to the originals.) But from what I saw, there is not much they are true to to the original, but there is a lot of allusion to aspects from the original series. (The Transformer sound, when they transform, is actually present. As well as a good amount of famous quotes.)


I'm also a huge fan of the concept of taking your time in a movie. As in, not showing the whole story from the very beginning. True interaction with the Transformers isn't rushed, so it allows you to be shocked the very first time you see an Autobot transform from car to mech. (At least, that's how I felt when I saw the first real transformation...)


Try not to let your love of the original series to cloud your judgement, it is not a continuation so it shouldn't be expected to be so true. It's a new Transformers all on it's own and a damned good one.

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I saw this movie on the opening night. And I loved it.

It had the right mix of action, comedy, seriousness, sexual undertones (cut short by comedy) and irony (a bombshell blonde as a genius that Einstein would want for his wife for one example).

The oneliners pops up in all the right places and can't help to make you laugh (as least I did).

The comedy also helps to make the Transformers (at least the Autobots) more 'human-like' instead of being mechanical like the Terminator.

While the action sequences makes sure that the Decepticons are portrayed as evil SOB's bent on havoc and destruction and conquest.

One thing that I would like to ask: Are all Transformers evil from their birth/creation? See the movie for this before trying to answer the question.

One last thing: FRENZY RULES!!!! :)

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No. The distinctive five-tone transformation sound is absent, it only appears in the trailers.


And while the transformations are awe-inspiring, the robot form leaves one feeling a little let down. All of them look pretty much identical, and in the final battle you'd be hard pressed to tell them all apart. Don't believe me? Consider this: Try to identify the dead Transformers' identities before the end of the battle, I guarantee you'll get at least one wrong.


The portrayal of the Autobots is pretty accurate, and the comedy sequence only demonstrates their human-like qualities, it was and should never have been intended to "make" them, only to show. As for the Decepticons, they're pretty much spot on, being naturally tougher, stronger and more powerful than their Autobot counterparts. The only thing missing is their chatty arrogance. Or lines, for that matter. They barely have a handful of lines between the whole lot of them, excluding Megatron.


Two nitpicks. In a couple of Prime's scenes, he comes off kinda ape-ish. *shrugs*

And Starscream... He did not exhibit any Starscream-like behaviour at all.


All-in-all, the plot and story is actually good. But bring back the blocky robots.

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