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Kaije's Weekly Progress Report...


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For anyone who has played and enjoyed the demo version of 'Shattered', I thought I'd post a weekly update on my progress of the full version here... If Slaughter and Crazy Gringo don't mind, that is :)


This was kind of a slow week, I took a lil break from modding once I finished the demo. The things I have been working on are:


Updating the scripts for some of the original zones:

- Now if you decide to shoot one of Yoshimoto's guards they will all turn hostile, including Yoshimoto :)

- After a certain point, the arms dealer and nurse will no longer be available in the first playable zone.

- Fully implemented the killing of specific NPC's and they remain dead feature - i.e. Yoshi, Taka, Nurse, Arms Dealer, etc...

- Also did some minor testing for these new changes, and everything seems to work fine :)


- Started setting up the base maps for the next major 'region', which is 14 zones atm, plus at least 2 more that will only be open for optional side missions.

- Playing with some new script ideas for random encounters for this new 'region', should make for some interesting variations.


So this week I'll probably be working on finishing the new maps and working on their scripts. And I also want to rework the script for the final demo mission, still not happy with it :D

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Hi Kaije,


Finished the demo and enjoyed it immensely. That last mission took me 2 hours to complete, sweating it out all the way. Question: there are some spelling errors, small graphical glitches, etc. Do you want feedback on these? If yes, how should I do it -- this forum, private email, etc. Please let me know.


Eagerly awaiting the finished product,



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Glad you enjoyed the demo, fgbrooks :D Yep, that last mission was my favorite to play through... but I still want to try to give the AI a little more focus and speed things along a bit better (as long as none of the intensity is lost in the process).


As for your question:

- Spelling and grammar errors I will be more interested in once the full release is out. I'm already planning on changing some of the text of the demo...

- Any graphical glitches or gameplay issues I would like to know about as soon as possible though :) I'll try to remember to list them in the updates as I fix 'em. So posting them here or sending a PM will be fine.


Again, glad you enjoyed!

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Hey Kaije,


I downloaded Shattered last night, but I don't think I'm going to get much of a chance to play it until the weekend. I'll do my best to give it a go then and I'll get you some feed back next week.


Cheers mate



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Been making some progress, but it may not sound like it...


- Setup and modified those 14 maps to suit my needs. Still need to finish scripting, testing, and balance...

- Created many more mobs and NPCs...

- Made a few more tweaks to some of the earlier missions :D


I don't want to give away any spoilers, so I'll leave at that :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

I spent most of my modding time trying to effectively 'manipulate' the AI. I used the final demo mission for all my testing... and now I'm finally happy with it :D


- The mission plays out faster and is much more intense and challenging.

- The enemy will try to storm Yoshi's main building - putting the important NPCs at risk.


For a few of my tests, I had my team just hang around in Yoshi's room to see if there was any glitches in the script. Didn't notice any... Although my guys put a good fight when the time came, they were eventually wiped out along with all my allies :) (I had a 3 man team with poor weapon selection on easy settings )

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Sounds like it's going to be challenging, Kaije. Great! :D


I always appreciate "smart" AI!


There are so many games that can reach challenging level only through introduction of overpowering (higher damage, hit points, all knowing, etc.) opponents...it is a rare occurence when the challenge is achieved via AI manipulations and extensive scripting!


Keep it up! (and thank you for all the effort you put into it :) )

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I owe you an apology as I only got round to playing the demo last night, it's been a busy couple of weeks! :D


I have only played through the first mission so far. I like the challenge of the game so far - Vlad taking on two rifle guys with only a Kappermeister knife was a lot of fun!



Just wanted to say that I was very impressed with the quality of what you've been doing, and I now can't wait to get home from work tonight so I can finish the rest of the demo! :)


I'll post a more detailed review next week as I am away this weekend. PLease please please keep up a the good work! It is very much appreciated :)

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@Sorbicol - No need to apologise :)


Last week... I had a lot of things going on and I think I only opened the editor once :(


- Made several tweaks and adjustments to database tables (mostly balancing grenade dmg, increase to reload costs, and bunches of other things that will probably never be noticed :D ).

- Worked some more on a few of the new maps.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Perhaps a small bug report for the demo:

Mira has a male body, only male clothes work on her. Or is that intended?

Some mobsters seem to get caught in routine loops during fight, i.e. they repeat the same action (movement to and fro) over and over again, until they run out of AP.

The Militant soldiers in the last mission suddenly 'popped up' when I went looking for the last resistance - I guess they were using stealth. However, since you said they would try to storm the house I was wondering why they camped outside the main gate and on and behind the train after about 80% of the attackers have been killed.


I like that mercenary commander uniform you made, and the Militants and Mobsters look really swell either.

And you'll probably glad to know that the soundfiles work great in the German version - I hear stuff there I never heard in the game before. Where did you find those soundfiles? Perhaps you could visit the "Sentences" thread in the S2 Forum and give us a hint on how to extract them? :D

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I have a problem getting out of the Railyard after I have been to see Yoshimoto. Every time I click the exit "lamp post" I crash straight back to my desktop :)


Am I missing something? Should I be fighting a battle here? It's very frustrating as I think your mod is excellent and I want to finish playing it! :D

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Sorry for not posting any updates for the last few weeks :( Been swamped with a bunch of RL crap and haven't had time to do much of anything... When I actually have the time to work on the mod, I'll start posting updates again :D


@WangChangZhang - Thanks for the bug report! :)

- Mira is supposed to be a female, that was just an oops...

- The AI has never been that great, been working on this too.

- That whole mission has been rescripted for the 'storming' effect, but I've never uploaded an updated demo. Maybe someday I'll just upload the new version of this mission to see if you guys think it plays better.


Those sounds are just the standard english sound files - nothing new at all.


@Sorbicol - Wow, I've never had a CTD when playing a Silent Storm game... I wonder if you got a bad download? This happens after the first time you've spoken to Yoshi?

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it happens every time I speak to Yoshi :D I get the mission to go rescue his daughter, then I go to the lamp post exit and when I click on that I crash back to the desktop...


I have had problems with Silent Storm & sentinels doing this in the past, but it's normally when I have been playing for ages and forgotten to save. This is happening right after I have reloaded from a save point unfortunately.

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  • 1 month later...
  • 1 month later...

Sorry to everyone who was following this before I disappeared.


As it should be apparent, I've been extremely busy these past few months. Unfortunately, I haven't been doing any modding or even gaming as far as that goes. I want to catch up on some other stuff before I even try to get back into modding S3... So this project will remain on hold for a while longer :(


The good news is: I hate leaving projects unfinished and will be back when I start making progress :(

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