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Guest Sasquatch

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Guest Sasquatch

Hey everyone. It's my first post so I'd like to take a second and say hello.




Anyway, I just discovered X-Com a few days ago so I'm still pretty green. I recently made a tank/cannon but couldn't put him on my SKYRANGER even though there is adequate space left so what's up?


Can tank/cannons not be put on the SKYRANGER or something? Can someone please provide me with more insight on this unit?

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The other have pretty much covered it. To sum it up: In order to load a HWP on a ship, each one needs 4 soldier slots, and enough ammo to fill their clip.


If I remember correctly, the tank/cannon needs 30 shells. But don't just buy 30 shells - as you'll need to at least have 30 shells in the next mission too if you want the tank to stay on the ship. This becomes less of a problem later when you can build the laser and plasma tanks.


Note, that you only need to have sufficient ammunition to load the HWP on a ship. This is not the case for base defence. If the base is attacked, no matter how much ammo you have, your HWPs always start with a full clip(yes, even if you have none).




P. S: Don't mind me. I have this unnecessary habit of putting giant 'foot-notes' such as this into threads from time to time - which are often only mildly related to the topic in question. I really don't know why short responses are so difficult for me to make. I suppose I can blame it on school essays with word limits. :D

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Guest Sasquatch

Okay, I thought I had it all figured out - Until this happened..


I have two tanks/cannons, one for each base that I own. I go to load one tank/cannon into a SKYRANGER and it loads fine. I go to load my second tank/cannon into the LIGHTNING (UFO type transporter), and no dice.


I have enough ammunition and spaces available. I even cleaned the equipment and crew from the LIGHTNING and then tried to stick the tank/cannon in there and it still wouldn't go in.


The only thing I can think of is maybe that craft design doesn't support tanks/cannons? You guys have any solutions or ideas?

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If I recall, the Lightning's hatch is only one space wide, that is, only wide enough for a human, it doesn't have a proper egress ramp like the Skyranger and Avenger. The Lightning is a fairly crude craft, it wipes its mouth on its sleeve and crushes beer can into its forehead. :D
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You did actually read the 'manual' before you dove straight into your brand-new Lightning, right? :D It does state that the lightning has a HWP capacity of zero. However, NKF would (will? :D ) be quick to point out the advantages that the lightning does have. (Such as tactical versatility due to 360-degree deployment, an average range for an average cost and maintenance cost, et cetera)


I still think that it needs to have the main gun on the Lightning operable during tactical missions, however. :ninja: *there's* your tank for yeh!


But, to answer your question (again), you can't carry tanks on the Lightning. They'll only fit on the Skyranger and on the Avenger.

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You're kidding right? The Lightning's an outright gas guzzler! Well, elerium guzzler. But it's still a nifty ship. I too wish that cannon worked...


But if you're an avid HWP user, you probably won't like the Lightnings much.




P. S: Despite that, I personally love the lightning to bits. But I must admit its flight range leaves much to be desired. It's a solid ship and provides a different method of approaching ground-combat (whereas you pretty much do the same thing with the Avenger and Skyranger). It has decent hitpoints and can hold its own against battleships for a few hits - a luxury the Interceptors and Firestorms don't really have. Only having one weapon hardpoint doesn't detract from it being an decent short-range-rapid-interception craft. A single plasma cannon can easily shoot anything but battleships down with ease.


If it had been implemented properly, and the walls were actually solid, and you could only enter and exit through the stairs, it would have been even better!

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hell...i never use lightings...never even take the time to build them...if ur gonna be landing somewhere...why do u need to do it fast???...it'll stay there till u get there...even if it's a terror site...lightning is just like NKF said...an elerium eater...

it's only a troop transport at that...no tanks...it's best to stick with the skyranger...until of course the avenger comes along...well anywho....if u already got a lightning,u should already have the ability to get hover tanks...do u have them yet?

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Well, I kinda like the Lightning. No tanks on board and one gun, but it's the only ship around that'll let you deploy the whole squad in one turn. That really allows you to clear an LZ rather quickly. Only problem I have with it is that you have to leave ship to open fire and the Blaster Launcher dude has to get on the roof instead of by the door.
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Oh, it is an elerium guzzler? Well I didn't know that (particularly because I don't use it, heh :D ).


And I had one particularly bad episode where the lightning was sent to a battleship infiltration mission. But just mere game seconds from reaching the location, it ran out of fuel. :hmmm: (I could have been smarter and make it take a better path to Europe, but I wasn't thinking.)


And I like to use HWP platforms a lot, so the lack of one is felt by my rookies. I'd rather lose an impersonal tank than a rookie in a powersuit.

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Agreed. Better to lose an expensive but easily replaceable tank, than a rookie with great potential (or 100 psi strength).


The Avenger's quite the elerium guzzler too, and uses more elerium than the Lightning to fill up its tank. But you at least get more mileage out of it than the Lightning. I think I better run a comparison someday. I have the feeling the Lightning may be more efficient for those very brief outings. (edit: Well, well! Turns out they used up the same amount of elerium to refill their tanks after a brief 30 minute day trip.)


My recommendation for the Lightning would be to use it for your elite forces. You know the sort. The soldiers who are so good that they'll even make mince meat out of the aliens with laser pistols if the fancy strikes them. Often these folks can do quite well, with or without HWPs.


It's not the best ship, but it's not the worst either. Make use of what advantages it offers over the others, and try to work around its limitations, and it will serve you well.



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hell...i never use lightings...never even take the time to build them...if ur gonna be landing somewhere...why do u need to do it fast???...it'll stay there till u get there...even if it's a terror site...lightning is just like NKF said...an elerium eater...

Raiding supply ships is an exception, you really have to get there fast to catch them unless your base is really close to the alien base, or you see the ship coming 12 hours in advance. I find doing supply ship raids with a Skyranger next to impossible.

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I only use the tanks, and that's mainly just in the early game cuase it is so annoying to build a hovertank(precious elerium) and then have it get destroyed by some alien with a plasma pistol.



In TFTD the Displacers could take a beating, that big hole that runs through it helps alot too

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Oh I don't know. Hovertanks have more armour than your flying suits (in addition to being able to move farther than a maxed out soldier). And as long as you don't have them hovering on the ground, explosives won't get them that often (with the exception of blasters - but those are only on the really tough missions). But even then, the hovertank's under armour is the best in the game. Not even the awesome superhuman sectopod armour can beat its overall protection.


So if you're losing them to plasma pistols - I hate to think what they're doing to your soldiers. :D



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Okay maybe I'm just getting screwed everytime with the damage. The damage done by the guns is basically random right? And there may and may not be like a critical hit chance in the game too. Basing those off of plenty of odd ball experiences where I one shot something with a dinky pistol even though normally it would take at LEAST 3 sonic cannon hits before going down. So maybe each time my hovertanks get hit I get screwed on the dice, and either way by the end of the mission I've lost my tank regardless of what it gets's killed by I always seem to lose it. But I'm just slightly bitter
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True, true. I too get bitter when, on the same mission, an unarmoured soldier survives a couple of rear or side hits with a heavy plasma, whereas the flying suit soldier or the hovertank gets killed with one shot - often a direct hit in the front plates, which should at least shave off a majority of the damage.


But then there's those occasions where the power suit soldier survives a direct hit with a blaster bomb. Truly, these are moments to cherish. :D


The random number generator can be your best friend, or your bitterest foe.



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I've never seen an unarmored soldier take more then one heavy plasma shot and live. But then, I generally don't go out unarmored.


As for building craft, I think I'm yet to build a lightning. You can push the research forward that fast that's not worth the effort. Aren't they those big octagonal things...?


I like tanks. Better then loosing troops. And if you spot a supply route, funding is no problem.

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