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Stunning things!


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so what's the deal with stunning zombies? can it be done? and therefore, can they be researched? ok, i know the answer is no, but i can always hope. :D


and also what's the best way to "stun" the mech sectopods and cyberdiscs?

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Zombies: No. Stunning them just results in the Chryssalid hatching. However, on a less related note, if you deal the killing blow with an incendiary shell or rocket, the zombie dies and no chryssalid hatches. Excellent, but hard to pull off unless you have some mind probes to gauge the zombie's health.


Sectopods: No, you cannot 'capture' them, as they are counted dead at the end of the mission, but there's no better weapon in the game to knock out the sectopods than the small launcher. Even more gratifying than using blaster bombs (they're cheaper on elerium - elerium scrooges rejoice!). These babies have a small chance of killing the sectopod outright (and every other sectopod caught in the blast radius too!) and still leave nearby buildings standing! Of course, there is always the chance that the stun damage will be ignored completely if it makes a successful defence roll. Yes, it's a real shocker as to how powerful the stun bombs really are at taking down large terror units. Yes, yes, mechs shouldn't get stunned, but they do. Apparently the only large units in the game that cannot get knocked out are the tracked X-Com HWPS and their hovertank siblings.



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actually...if i remember correctly....when i captured an ethereal commander....or it was probably a navigator...and researched it,it gave me the research data of a live sectopod...ethereals are what make the sectopods go....just like chryssalids are controlled by the mutons.....and reaper terrorists are controlled by the floaters...
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You're thinking of medics. Medics fill in the gaps for the aliens you cannot research under normal circumstances. That's their primary function. (don't forget, you won't get any benefits from this free research (such as free info on the ethereal won't net you the psi lab)).


Snakemen control the chryssalids. I wouldn't want to be fighting mutons AND chryssalids at the same time. Nasty combination there. Tough overseers and heavily armoured blitzers that duplicate really do wonders for your morale. :D



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yeah...you're right NKF....i did mix that up a bit....been working on apoc for a while now...have'nt been on UFO for a while....can't expect me to always remember it all....ur right on the snakemen...got that a bit mixed up too....and also....i never could get a live sectopod in battle....and in like TFTD....i could stun and capture a tricene and xarquid...but i did'nt have to...cause another good ranking alien gave me that info too....so....i guess it is good to try and always capture a medic??? :D
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I think the basic rundown goes like so:

  • Soldiers - no information (i.e. it's a complete waste of time to capture these)
  • Leaders - Usually provide mission information (harvest, terror, etc). Also provides semi-high-level information that can lead you half of the way to the cydonia mission, assuming you have the proper research done.
  • Navigators - information on how to build the Hyperwave Decoder (you only need one navigator - ever)
  • engineers - UFO stats
  • Medics - random additional interrogation or corpse information (no additional research benefits from free research). Best kept till the very end when you have nothing else to research, so they can fill in any gaps.
  • Commanders - provide most of the same benefits as leaders, but they provide higher level information. i.e. the Cydonia mission.

Almost every non-terror unit alien lets you research their corpse and a live specimen, and can be obtained from any rank. Small terror units can be captured and interrogated. The large ones ... well, they're a bit funny, as most of you who've played the games will probably have noticed. Sometimes you can, sometimes you cannot. Thus the need for medics if you want to collect them all.


Psionically enhanced aliens, i.e. sectoid leaders, sectoid commanders and ethereals of any rank allow you to build the psi labs.



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[*]Navigators - information on how to build the Hyperwave Decoder (you only need one navigator - ever)

Great description, only a slight add-on there. Navigators give you the UFOPedia entries for the alien missions on Earth. And I think (but I'm not sure) that alien Squad Leaders on TFTD give you info also on the missions but not Leaders on UFO.


*heads back to the nearest alien entertainment unit*

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  • 3 weeks later...

Closing in on the Snakeman UFO... The lone door guard is popping out with only a stun launcher to shoot at us, the unlucky bastard... We may not have the reactions to shoot back, but we've got a lot of soldiers outside that UFO even if some of them get stunned...


Guess it wasn't such a good idea to be packing that primed alien grenade.


:D Oh well, they were only rookies.

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