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Too long without a new message...


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No, they haven't abducted me yet. They won't, not while I'm waving my Mighty Shoestring of Cheesy Doom( tm ) at them.


I was thinking about writing a big essay about why the standard pistols are so great (again), but then I realised that would only make me one step closer to my straight jacket entitlement. :D


Otherwise, my only excuse is that I prefer to respond to topics - not make them, and that I'm a little preoccupied with playing a few older games at the moment. That last bit also explains why my avatar hasn't changed for a while.


Yes, a satisfactory excuse. *runs away*



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Well, I got abducted, but through a lucky bug I started off with a Cryssalid Terrorist item instead of my wallet. Whacking the sectoids over the head with the spiny Cryssalid was very entertaining and oddly soothing...


Then the Cryssalid woke up and things kinda sorta went to hell; when I finally killed him I was down to four health and six critical wounds (luckily, the crisis thus averted I mysteriously appeared in the hospital).


Seriously though, I haven't been making new threads because I don't really have anything to report.

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I've just been too busy to play the game, although I do have enough time to browse the forums and such. Freshman year of college, geesh! And the pesky Silacoids have been seen around my dorm building, trying to get in. The problem is, they can't bypass all of the locks (I go to a *SECURE* school :D ) and don't have the brainpower to melt/burn down the doors.


And I just thought those were walk-worn paths from students around the campus.... sigh.

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Blade... You're making a BFG with .NET and you're not part of our project??? Come on! We desperately need more programmers! And even more desperately need more 3D artists :D


oh hevens no.. I intend on a 16bit dos exe.. you cant do that in .NET


i'm using Borland C++ version 5.0


to be compatible with all versions of xcom I have to work in the dos world.





ps. what are you doing your 3d modeling with?

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