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Okay, I am officially creeped out by this.


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I had a very strange bug just today.My Skyranger landed in a terror site (Mutons).

I sent two agents flying outside,killed two Mutons on the first turn,and end turn.

Start of second turn,one of my flying agents seems to be...nowhere.Hovering

over black.I looked around the screen,saw he was South-East of the Skyranger,

and tried to move him.It didn't work,so i sent three others out instead.A few turns

(and Mutons) later i saw a Silacoid (BBQ) crawling on black,which seemed strange.

I noticed my agent was nearby so i made him look at it.Everything was visible

suddenly,and i realised my agent was hovering at the end of the road,RIGHT OUTSIDE THE MAP'S BORDER!


(that's what my signature's for BTW).


Explanations are welcome.

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That bug is not that uncommon. It happens when the game gets confused and loses the location of your unit. Since it doesn't know where to put you it puts you in the default location of the map.(That's why if it happens twice you get units merging together). See, every map starts with a "map square" (An area randomly put in a map) that measures 1x1x1. The game puts that somewhere on a map and puts one of the applicable types of "map tile"(It contains certain objects and measures a miniumum of 10 tiles across.) beside it. Then the game puts in one beside that. And beside that and etc. So the area you get teleported to is the "default" area. (I'm not sure if you can see this area using an editor)
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after the grenade explosion finishes....u will see the second explosion take place......and what do u mean by elerium pods plugged in?.....if the power source is destroyed...the elerium goes with it....what do u think is inside the thing?

there is no way u can save elerium if that piece is destroyed.....or is there?

am i missing something?...because every time ive blown one of those things up....i did'nt get the elerium for it..(oh my god i've gone crosseyed!!!)...tell me if i'm wrong about it....if so....how the hell can i save the elerium???......because i once had to take a risk with four sectoids in the main command area of a UFO....did'nt wanna lose a good guy...so i blew up the power source they were standing near....they all died to it....

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Looks like I'm going to have to convince you the old fashion way. :D


*puts on Blessed Glasses of Unfogging +1, +3 vs. dire squirrels*


Right, I went and shot up a power unit. I took 'before' and 'after' screenshots. Cello! Squint at the screenshots and interpret the results in any manner that you wish.


Before-After comparison



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The heavy plasma was used to destroy the power unit. I then dropped it and switched back to the laser pistol and attempted to destroy another power unit for one more before/after comparison, until I remembered that you cannot destroy power units with laser pistols (I went ahead and tried it anyway). So I gave up on that idea.


Then as an afterthought, and for no reason at all, I decided to point out what the elerium pods looked like in the battlescape and in the inventory screen.



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hmm....see...what it sounds like u guys are saying is that if u destroy a power source....the raw elerium or zrbite is able to survive and sit right there....but i've never seen any of it survive....and when the debrief happens...it will show out....like...say u shoot down a small sub or UFO...u pretty much know that it should have one power source... if the power source survived the crash u get fifty elerium....BUT if u destroy the power source (by shooting it up or something)...u get NO elerium....so how the hell does it survive for u guys?
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