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I'v found that newest ver of DosBox-

Dos Emulator with CVS version

( get from CVS Win32 )

runs UFO Enemy Unknown and TFTD ( DOS Ver. ) pretty well !!!

( on my Athlon1600+ )

with adjustable speed of emulation (Ctrl+F11 & Ctrl+F12),

Fullscreen/Windows option ( Alt+Enter )

Very good quality SoundBlaster & General Midi Output


now: Geoscape time, all animations, scrolls, movememt looks like on 386 or 486



after run DosBox - You have to mount Your Ufo Directry at command prompt:

for example: mount c c:\Games\Ufo


Best Regards - Yaro

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ok, how about proper grammer? so this dos emulator can run UFO and TFTD quite well, and is CPU emulation speed adjustable? it emulates(?) soundblaster and general midi then sends it to your sound card or uses your soundcard specs like in standard windows dosbox? i'd like a more "discriptive" discription! :D
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ok, how about proper grammer? so this dos emulator can run UFO and TFTD quite well, and is CPU emulation speed adjustable? it emulates(?) soundblaster and general midi then sends it to your sound card or uses your soundcard specs like in standard windows dosbox? i'd like a more "discriptive" discription! :D

Ok, how about brushing up a bit on your computer terms and social skills? Even by the grand age of 15, you should know that English is not everybody's native tongue....



Thanks for an excellent solution, Yaro. I'm sure it will help everyone who has a copy of the dos versions laying around (me included).

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WOW... This is sweet.. the slow down is quite smooth (altho the default speed is a little slow) and the sound is what I would expect from a 8bit Sound Blaster (oh I rember when i bought my first one of them) and I did have to reset the sound config in the game..


Now who's Idea is it to have the default IRQ set to 7? the original Sound Blaster uses IRQ5, all the ISA SB's (original the 'new' the SB16, the Awe32) used IRQ5 except, the SB Pro that used IRQ 7 (shared with LPT1)


Just a note to every one.. 'CVS' is basicly _beta_.. so no _oficial_ support till the final is released.


but if you have XP and a dos version of UFO or TFTD it's defenly worth downloading.


-Blade FireLight


ps. Yaro. could you have the download link go directly to the file.. It took me a while to find the right file.

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i've been using this for a while, practically since they added protected mode support to the CVS, and my only problems have been with crashed during the transfer from geoscape to tactical.

the crash between combat is caused by how xcomutil detects the diferance between exiting the game and switching to combat...


seems what ever date function it's using is not compatible..


runs find with out xcomutil...


** Edit ** I have found a workarround for the xcomutil problem with DOSBox and have sent my findings off to Scott. hopfully there will be a fix out.


but untill then here is the workarround..


in runxcom.bat ...

right after the lines contaiting

ufoexe\geoscape "0"


ufoexe\geosape "1"



if errorlevel 2 goto empymis

goto end


they will then look like..

ufoexe\geosape "0"
if errorlevel 2 goto emptmis
goto end


ufoexe\geosape "1"
if errorlevel 2 goto emptmis
goto end

** end edit **


Ion Mage: I use the config file to set my speed up to 9000 up from the default 1800 and it runs great.. you need to run the config command inside of dosbox and then check the readme to see how to load it.


-Blade FireLight

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to slow? have you tried to spee it up? the default config uses 1800 cpu cycles per second.. I had to set it to 9000 cpu cycles per second to get the game to run.. and at that setting it works fine.. I'll have to test on a slower box.


I dont think frame skip will help if the cpu cycles are set to slow.


-Blade FireLight

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no matter how faST i set it, it is still to slow. don't forget i got onboard everything, so my CPU has to handle the emulation of sound and the output of sound, same with graphics. even if i overclock it to 450mHz. havn't tried adding ram though. actually, i might try that now...

:: goes off and tinkles with PC ::


edit: :D nope. no difference.

Edited by Ki-tat Chung
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no matter how faST i set it, it is still to slow. don't forget i got onboard everything, so my CPU has to handle the emulation of sound and the output of sound, same with graphics. even if i overclock it to 450mHz. havn't tried adding ram though. actually, i might try that now...

:: goes off and tinkles with PC ::


edit: :D nope. no difference.



there is the prob... Emulators are masive resorce hogs.


at that speed the CE version of the game would be a better option.

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