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Video Game Scenes

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Tell the video game scenes that changed you or brought up some emotions.



Halo: Combat Evolved (Dificulty: Legendary. The last level)


Master Chief finaly escapes from the flood and flies of from the Pillar of Autumn. Meanwhile an Human Sergeant and an Elite fight out side.


(Sergeant)"Come 'ere you motherfu... *rumble. rumble.* The Sergeant and the Elite turns around to see what happened and see that Autumn is starting to explode. "Oh shit" The Sergeant and the Elite turn back and look at each other. Sergeant spreads his arms in a hug position and speaks. "This is it baby, hold me" The Elite spreads his arms and they hug, while the Autumn explodes completly destroying Halo.



Man that elite had such cute face, and I just passed H:CE couple of hours ago, and I'm still laughing. If you want to see it pass Halo: Combat Evolved on Legendary difficulty.

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Hmm, there are quite a lot of interesting game cutscenes you can see that end up lingering in the back of your minds. Like in Final Fantasy 7 when the Midgar cannon fired on the Crystal weapon (the one wading through the ocean). That one scene set the whole game for me. But that's not what I was wanting to mention. There's one game cutscene that I thought was both cool and funny was from an old game called Z (Zed) by the Bitmap Brothers.


Z was a sort of real-time-peon-pumper strategy game involving robots (who are often depicted drunk on jet fuel).


It was one of the winning custcenes involving general Zod firing on an enemy fortress in slow motion until it explodes. In the set up to this scene, we see the two other Robots that commonly appear in the game's cutscenes putting on a stereo, and the camera pulls back and we see there are two mountains of speakers on either side. They give the general the thumbs up before the general fires on the enemy fortress with his rifle. It's hard to describe the scene, but those that remember it will know exactly what I'm talking about.


Apart from a few guffaws, this didn't really change my life for the better. :drink: Still, I must replay that game some day.



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Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem - practically the entire game. It has some of the very best characterisation I've ever seen in a game, and a very involving storyline. The game uses fake error messages too (memory card corrupted, pad disconnected), which disturb the player no end. The death of each character as the storyline progressed dissuaded several people I know from playing the game any more.


Farenheit - the last fight scene made me throw the pad, cracking a window. A good, innovative game ruined by marathon Dragons Lairesque button pressing sequences.

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Max Payne 2, film noir in a action packed shooter really did it all to me. Sure the game has it's flaws - but the presentation and theme of the game is just too wonderful. The 'cutscenes' were innovative and gripping in my opinion and I still know many of them by heart even though I've only played through the game twice :drink:
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On the coolness factor one of the cinematics that registered with me was this footage in Starcraft where a Terran squad was sent to destroy a science vessel in orbit to keep it from falling to the Zerg.


After craft coupling the squad entered carrying a large box with the demolition charges. Setting it down they open it only to reveal that sub-zero temps are as well suited for unstable explosives as for cooling beverages :drink:


Discussing the possible presence of Zerg aboard we see one of the troopers opening his helmet visor to reveal a cloud of smoke from his lit cigarrete :drink: (probably a Firebat nut).


Picking up a pleasantly cool can of their choice spirits from the container one of the guys says

"Yeah I got your Zerg, right here"



At which time he was nailed by a zerg from above and all hell broke loose. Automatic weapon discharges ensued with someone even using a pistol as a last ditch resort.


Things got ugly with the Terrans getting quickly overwhelmed. Last man standing uttered a "Oooooh, sh*****t" and depressed the trigger button blowing it all up the kazoo :drink:


Most everyone knows this one, but it's simply great work from Blizzard's early cinematics team!






"It's hard to describe the scene, but those that remember it will know exactly what I'm talking about."


I surely do, NKF :D


Z had several displays of spunk and those two slackers generally partied by mission end. They would even appear in-game sitting back and guzzling some potent fluids while relaxedly watching the enemy rising skywards.


There were several other nice touches in that game as well like:

- the debris and/or enemies rising up "towards the screen" and then raining back down to the ground

- how the bots played cards or started fishing when near water while idling

- having some Toughs fire rockets at crocs in ponds and watch them be blown out of the water


I'm afraid it doesn't quite run on XP anymore, though...

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Yes, I kind of liked how the bots were also aware of how screwed they were when things went bad and would gladly express how they felt.


By the way, I think there was mention of "cold fusion" during that classic Starcraft moment when the beverages were shown.


Oh, yes, any number of the cutscenes in Dungeon Keeper II are also classics - if somewhat lighthearted.


The one audio clip I'll probably never forget from that game would have to be "Keeper, your dungeon floors are lumpy. Have your minions jump up and down" - or thereabouts.



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I don't know if it changed me, but the cut scene in Homeworld after you return to your home planet only to find it ablaze always made me a bit emotional. I think the use of Samuel barber's "adagio for Strings" had a lot to do with it though :drink:


The cut scenes at the end of S2 and S3 normally make me hopping mad because they are just so awful :drink:

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"By the way, I think there was mention of "cold fusion" during that classic Starcraft moment when the beverages were shown."


Indeed there was, NKF... :drink:




I also found Warhammer 40k: Dawn of War's intro cinematic to be very well pulled off. It gripped me at once as I watched it upon first loading the game's demo - which is something that doesn't happen very often.


The appearance of the massive Dreadnought opening fire and the resulting rallying cry of the Blood Ravens' Sarge setting off the battle definitely gets one in the mood for the rousing mayhem in the game itself.

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Not exactly a cinematic, but one of the scenes I remember the most is in Final Fantasy VII, when Cloud enters a coma-like state and the Weapon attacks the village he is in, and him and Tifa fall into the LifeStream. I played the game all over again just to play that part.
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The introduction sequence in 'Call of Cthulhu: Dark Corners of the Earth' blew my mind and made me go monentarily insane.

The visual and sound effects will test your mental prowess as it is supposed to in the RPG. (Meeting with creatures not of this world/plane/dimension tends to make people loose their sanity).

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Hmm... I rather liked the scene at the very beginning of HL2 Episode 1, where Alyx and Dog are digging through the rubble looking for you, and then when Dog finds you, Alyx leaps over and gives you a hug, then looks rather embarassed. That scene alone made the whole purchase worth it for me. It was like reading an excellent novel, where you care about the characters... except that it was interactive.
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Just played Duke Nukem 3D Atomic Edition.




Duke kill a large alien boss on a football field, he takes few steps back from the body, and then runs to the body and hits the only large eye of the alien boss. Which makes the eye fly out from it's socket and make a touchdown.


2)Another large boss, this time on the moon base or somewhere there. Duke aproches the body rips of it's head and takes down his pants and sits squarely on the exposed throat while taking out a newspaper and start reading it, while whistling! After some moments the camera goes black while the shiting sounds are heard (I probably overdid this scene)

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1943 for the NES.


After playing for hours, skillfully destroying the Japanese Airforce, I knew my multi-ace pilot was coming to the end. ..the war was over and the final cut scene appeared:




That's it!

Damn, I didn't even get an "S" at the end of congratulations!

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