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Microsoft Virtual Machine 2004


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VM2004 running under XP will solve the Probe/base not showing up issue in XCOM:Interceptor. VM is now a free download on the MS website. Just search download section.


Will take up about 700Mb on HDD with 98 and Interceptor installed. I was also running dx9


It will not support 3d acceleration though. I havn't had a problem even when running on a laptop. Just make sure you have a lot of ram (512 total. I gave VM 98 about 196Mb)


I did a search before I posted this so if its a duplicate I apologize.


I havn't had the chance to test with other xcoms yet.

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I am getting some occasional flicker on the laptop in the strategic screens, but its pretty stable in the cockpit.


This is on a dell d510 1.5Ghz celeron 512Mb ram XP SP2


Also If you really want to play in 3d accelerated mode you can set up a "shared folder" between the operating systems and copy your save back and forth. I think, havn't tried it yet.


I'm going to try to test some more stuff this weekend depending on if I have to work.


Here is the link to MS VPC2004 https://www.microsoft.com/windows/virtualpc/default.mspx


Also you do need install disks for whatever OS your trying to emulate.



Edit 7/31/06:


If your OS seems to studder a bit don't worry once the game starts it smooths out. Also the xcom 1 and 2 both have severe color problems under 98 emulation on the dell laptop. Havn't tested on desktop. I'm going to try xcom:APoc tonight under 98 emulation.


Could someone tell me how these three games work under XP Its been awhile since i played them and i'm pressed for time right now.

I seem to rember 1 and 2 worked ok. not sure about apocalypse.


Also it is easy to cut and past your save folder from one os to another (just in-case it runs alot smoother under xp)

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  • 1 year later...
  • 3 months later...
Hi, guys! I have a VMWare with Interceptor on it, but I have another problem - I cant start the game! The mouse howerglass appears, but not for long. I just cant start the game. Please somebody help me



Have you tried Microsoft VM? I know that VM2007 is a free download now. I havn't used any others so far, my machine has been down since early december. Just now got anouther one togather.

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At first I've tried "Microsoft Virtual Machine", but I'd more troubles with it. At last I've played the game on my XP with cheats. At last, because of those stupid cheat sites with wrong spelled cheats in it! I think the problem is not to write "battlecheat", but "battlecheatS" for activating the cheat mode.
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In the Official Strategy Guide for Interceptor (written by designer of the game himself, Mr Ellis) the cheat code is simply "battlecheats" (all in small caps). From there, once in a mission you can enter ALT + ~ to distroy the target, ALT + 2 to disable the current target or ALT + x to rotate through the weapon combinations. I tested out all the cheats in Interceptor a while back and they all seem to work fine but didn't investigate the battlecheats very thorough. :D


- Zombie

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I'll try to get a site page up with all the cheats listed for Interceptor soon. It's sad that so many sites have it wrong, but they probably didn't have access to the guide (the source). :D


- Zombie

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