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X-com Reborn


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Would you be so kind as to tell us all exactly where did you hear this? And please provide links to the website so that we can all see it for ourselves.


Also, if this IS true, please inform the moderators of the StrategyCore News Forums so that it can be posted in the news.


Thank you.

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I was told to keep quiet. But I can't seeing as most people have been waiting over a decade for this.


The only hint i can give is that they are currently working on Bioshock as their main project.


I've only just signed up to this site, so i thought the forum was the place to let people know.

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Well, this is interesting...


After a quick look around, all I can find is rumors. Most of them seem to have started from here, but the same few titles keep being mentioned over and over - Ultima, Max Paine, X-Com.


Of course, those three games already have sequals. I dunno.

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Well I'll believe it when I see a decent link to a conversation.


benjob - since you've already disregarded their request to keep quiet, you may as well fill us in on the rest of the info you have :drink:

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The only hint i can give is that they are currently working on Bioshock as their main project.


Benjob, that's Irrational Games. Their the people who teamed up with Looking Glass Studio's (Of the Thief series, which is now owned by Atari.) to make System Shock 2.


Are you telling me, that that company are considering making an X-com game after they finish BioShock? And are you telling me that they are going to give the X-com game the same amount of incredible graphics that BioShock is going to have?


Having a look at the Wikipedia entry for Irrational Games https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Irrational_Games , the company has two studios working at the moment.


Studio Boston is currently working on Bioshock, intended to be a true "spiritual successor" to System Shock 2

Studio Canberra is working on an unannounced title.


This is what I could get from Wikipedia.


Again. Give us the DAMN link! :drink:

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No its July. :drink:


And everybody seems a bit put out by this. I shouldn't have bothered.


Please don't bombard a certain person's email address to find out any more just because I'm rubbish at keeping a secret. I'm sure the owner of this StrategyCore site can get in touch to confirm.


I was emailed today...


We are working on X-Com... But that is SUPER-HUSHHUSH, please do not confirm it.


- focus them on BioShock :drink:

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I'm just glad its going to be done by a games company with a decent reputation. The only concern is the atmosphere + game balance and complexity for the programmers as random maps in 3d will be a nightmare to get right.


Just hope they don't go down the same path as SS and use ready made landscapes.


I also think "letting the cat out of the bag" so to speak is a good way of building hype before it gets to previews.


Basically I don't care its just great news.

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Don't take any skepticism the wrong way benjob, it's just that we've had half a dozen threads identical to this one over the past few years so it's a case of "not real until proven so" if you see what I mean :drink:


Myself or Slaughter will pester Bioshock a bit to see what we can find out, but if you want to copy and paste the email you received into a PM to me then feel free - at least we'd then know which email address to contact them on first :drink:

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Skepticism? Hang on a minute while I staple my gonads back on, I think I just laughed them off.


Sorry guys. I truly hope that I'm proved wrong but this has got stitch up written all over it. Benjob, I don't meant to disrespect you man but until I see something like a press release fro Irrational or whoever, I won't be holding my breath :drink:


Please please please prove me wrong though!!

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Not to get anyone's hopes up, but I'm following a lead from benjob which he kindly sent via PM. Naturally you'll all be the first to know what we find out (if anything), but for now I think it's best to hold off on any further comments until the lead has been followed up.


Like I said, don't get your hopes up just yet, but perhaps crossing your fingers might not be a bad idea on this particular one.

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Hmm, this is very interesting. Although I do know what you all mean about "this is the hundredth thread like this in the past few years."


Are we thinking remake? Or sequel?


I'm telling you, a sequel will not do well. Enough effing sequels have been done, each one worse then the last.



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*crosses everything*

Ewwww! how can you DO that? :drink:


Easy. A mite uncomfortable and maybe a bit harmful, but it can be done. :drink:


*Crosses everything.* Aargh, my spleen!


Anyway, while I would love to believe this is the real deal... I've seen too many hoaxes and honest mistakes. When I see an official press release, then I'll put stock in it. Until then, I guess I'll be waiting for Xenocide. :drink:


Though I too would like a sequel rather then a remake. Something like Genesis, which went back to X-Com's roots, would be nice. Alliance would be good too, but X-Com's always been a strategy game, and unless they went with Rainbow 6 style realism (ie 'you're shot with a plasma cannon, you die. No ifs ands or buts,') I don't think it'd turn out very well. The fact that alien plasma cannons can kill you in a shot or two even if you've got high-grade power armor is one of the core mechanics of X-Com, responsible for a lot of the tension in the games. With alliance, I don't think they could maintain this tension without the mechanic. I was afraid (at the time,) that it would turn into your typical run of the mill FPS, with characters which can take many plasma cannon blasts before going down... In fact, I was afraid of it turning into Enforcer. ;)


Mind, even Enforcer was amusing, and even if they royally screwed up the mechanics in Alliance, I'd likely still buy, play, and enjoy it. But that's because I'm an X-Com fanboy. :D

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Personally I'd like them to start again with Enemy Unknown/UFO Defense.


C'mon guys, the only way to patch up a storyline that's going a bit weird in places (Apoc aliens for example) is to start again and it does have it's other merits.


For example, the Men in Black which were left out from the original game (due to time constraints or keeping the game on two floppy disks - take your pick) would be ace - 3 sided battles and a diplomacy option anyone?


Armed civilians depending on which country you've landed in has been talked about here and would be very neat too. For example, the aliens would be stupid to land in Sweden if memory serves (or was it Norway Slaughter?) due to the fact that every household owns a rifle or something like that.


Anyway, there's loads of things you could do with it and it wouldn't matter overly much if you strayed slightly from the original formula (so long as you offer a patched, working 1994 original on the CD so nobody can complain :drink:). Simply making things a little more detailed, adding in the bits they left out first time around and altering some of the aliens tech slightly where neccessary (or we'll already know the research tree and it won't be as fun!).


A return to an Earth we know playing on beliefs, cover-up stories and tv shows we know would be a hit - no doubt about it.

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I would like a lot more politics and diplomacy. A country that goes over to the alien side should refuse to allow X-Com to operate in its territory, forcing the player to use more covert tactics that are less effective against the aliens. A nation that signs a pact with the aliens should use its economic, diplomatic and even military clout to influence other countries into giving in to the aliens.


Also, I liked the idea in Acopalypse that if a company went over to the aliens, you cannot buy equipment from that company. So if America goes over, no more buying American made military equipment unless you can do a deal on the black market.

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Let's not get carried away here - it's another rumour, that's all. It all fell into dust several times before, remember?


I'll believe it when I see the box, have disregarded the manual and have "Game Loading" on my screen.


Until then I'll just sit quiet in this padded cell.

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How unreal would it be though, if you could first hand execute interceptions? With new age graphics it would be amazing... imagine finally seeing a Fusion Ball smack right into the middle of that battleship, sectoids and equipment flying out of a gaping hole.... oh it would be so sweet.


I vote for a totally redone UFO Defense. And it should be set in 1999 again :-D. I think it would be totally sweet for X-COM to be a really covert organization... it could be like the whole invasion already happened but it was all kept under wraps to the general public. Any news reporter on the scene of a terror site is quickly silenced...

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