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Just restart playing on superman level in a Widow Version. Bug fixed by xcomUtil

Doing quite well until a terror site showup around 26th Jan. My 10 men + 1 tank Squad got their butt kick by Super CyberDisc. Landed on a very hot LZ in the middle of the map, spotted 3 CyberDiscs and 6 sect around LZ.

Sound keys

bom = HE

BOM = Rocket

rag = Semi Auto fire

bam = Rifle fire

bum = AP round drill itself in armor of Cyberdisc but failed to penetrate armor

zap = alien weaopon

ZAP = cyberdisc power weapon

Sizz = cooking cyberdisc paint


Here is a quick summary,

Turn 1

10 troops 1 tank Start

2 killed <zap ZAP>

Tank destoryed <ZAP>

2 smoke bomb thrown


6 Sects 3 CyberDiscs spotted

5 Sects Killed <bam bam bom bom raggggragg… >

bullets bound off CyberDisc <ping ping ping bum bum BOM bom>

(Sound of Civ killed around the map)


Turn 2

8 troops left

2 killed <ZAP ZAP zap>


1 Sects + 6 newly spotted Sects + 3 CyberDisc

3 Sect + 1 CyberDisc destroyed by a second rocket

<sszoomm.. rocket flys BOMMM…>

2 more Sects killed <bom bom bom bam bam>

bullets bound off CyberDisc <ping ping ping bum bum bom bom>

HE burn of paint on CyverDisc <sizzzzziii..>

(Sound of Civ killed around the map)


Turn 3

6 troops left

3 killed by Grenade <BOMM..> rocket man downed

2 killed <zap ZAP ZAP zap zap ZAP ZAP zap>


2 Sect + 2 newly spotted Sect + 2 CyberDisc

3 Sects killed <bam bam bam bom bom>

bullets bound off CyberDisc <ping ping ping >


Turn 4

1 troop panic run around like headless chicken left

1 killed <ZAP>


1 Sect + 2 newly spotted Sects + 2 CyberDisc + 1 newly spotted CyberDisc


Mission Ended

Aliens Killed : 14 Sects + 1 CyberDisc

XCOM Agent Killed : 10 Troopers + 1 Rocket Tank

9 Civilian Killed

1 Transport destroyed


Civilians helped to detract the aliens until turn 3 turn. But once they are gone, alien started to forcus on my troops, killing them very fast. Also Superman level Cyberdisc armor seems to be very thick. Only small and big rocket is effective to take it down until heavy laser and plasma weapon shows up. Small arm seem to help reduce its armour.

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:( Glad that someone like it.


My current base structure consist of 3 ground assult base + 3 radar bases


US base One 10pp Normal Squad + 10 reserves

EU base One 10pp PSI Squad + One 10pp Normal Squad

Asi base One 10pp Normal Squad + 10 reserves


Trying to filter out all the good PSI units.



Superman level is reality tough in UFO, unlike Apoc.

In Apoc, superman level is like going for bonus stage, extra aliens for extra weapon sales.

In UFO, soldiers die very often. More often in base attack mission. Blaster bombs just sail your way every turn. I end up sitting in the starting room and do skimish <in out in out of the lift> and kill any aliens around the lift around until :hmmm: things slow down bit. The minute i leave one soldier down the lift and <BOMMMM> Blasted. :angel: heaven he goes.


This is 4th month, yet to meet any snakes and mutton yet. Do they get armor increased like Cyberdisc? :(

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Gahh, even 3 'disks at Veteran level gave me loads of trouble on my first terror mission of a new game last week - no laser rifles yet, and it took me several attempts. I could sink AC-AP ammo into one of these things all day, it seems - had one hiding in a petrol station, but easily scouted out and shot at from long range while trying not to engage anyone else. Switched to incendiary AC and set it on fire twice (restarting the fire when it went out), dropped four standard grenades under it on four successive turns, took FOREVER to kill! As opposed to its buddy disk, who was within range of a toss from the one detpack I did think to bring and went up first time.


I tell you, when I did finish laser rifle research, my combat effectiveness seemed GODLIKE by comparison.

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Let's put it this way - on superhuman - even the laser pistol can kill anything [1] except superhuman sectopods [2].


If the measly laser pistol can do that well, then it speaks volumes about the laser rifle! :(




[1] Granted, given enough shots.

[2] Well, you can, but you need to shoot at its underside, which almost never happens except in terror ships (you know the terror unit compartments on either side of the ship).

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My hottest wasn't till the thrid turn. Snakeman terror site at night BTW. On my Terrorsites I pop people down the ramp and take a quick peak around and depending on nearby cover I just place them around the Skyranger. In this case it was night I saw a snakeman killed it, knew there were going to be Crysillids nearby and so I simply stuck people down at the landing wells with plenty of action points left to shoot. End turn. Alien Turn. Lots of screaming then. My Turn: I move my men out to nearby cover and find about 8 Snakemen, 6 Crysallids and 12 zombies are in sight. I got just starting equipment(rifles, no armour and the likes) Needless to say from that moment on I was retreating. Tried to simply run back but half my team died. Tried to fight them off but all of my team died. Tried to fall back fighitng they all died. So ya.......it sucked big time. I played it so many times that I finnaly did win like on the thousth time around but in the end ran outta ammo and had to retreat with over half my men dead the rest probably wouldn't of made it back to the skyranger in time before dieing of fatal wounds.



But man was that a blast. I love missions like that. They tend to happen more often in Apoc then the other 2

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My Turn: I move my men out to nearby cover and find about 8 Snakemen, 6 Crysallids and 12 zombies are in sight.


What a party! :o


Your guests (Snakeman) being along some pet and their pet turn your other guests to brainless zombie.



You say your third mission. Snakeman in third mission??

What did you do to trigger snakeman, i am in april now, destroyed 2 bases and ground assulted 2 battleships and 20 overmissions. Yet to see a snakeman. I had seen sec or flooters only so far.


Reseached laser, powerarmor, motion scanner, hyperwave, PSI.

Superman level.


3 strike base and 4 radar up.


none of this seems to trigger snakeman. i do mosting mission using ground attack may had contribute to the less hostile alien.


Ending april soon

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Hell of a fight rocksk, can defo imagine that in my head. Speaking of a situation i ahd the same the other night landed in the bottom right corner of map an sent 1 guy out to take a looky, cyberdisc bearly 3 squares away took it out an it blew an killed 4 of my squad that were near the door to the transport :D


On another note though i'm a bit of a story guy, can create storys from missions i done etc, was wondering if there was a forum bit or other peeps out there into doing same thing, let us know.

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