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Weather in Games

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A few days ago I was over at a mate of mines and he wanted to show me a sim he was playing. (Yes, yes I should know better)


He says,

"You play pc games don't you?" You guessed it - it was a train sim. Okay it held my attention for a few minutes, the realistic sounds, the great looking scenery, working signals but it's just a train set on the tv.


What struck me though was that this track I was on was in the UK, and what do you know, within 20 seconds of the game starting the heavens opened and it rained.


"Is the weather always this poor?" I asked.

"Yeah," he shrugs, "well in the UK anyway."


Now I've noticed this with real world sims that take place in the UK, you set the weather to realistic, and before you can say 'Global Warming', the sky turns as black as the Prince of Hells riding boots, extraordinarily loud cracks of thunder resonate across the landscape and lightning the like of which I have only seen in The War of the Worlds issues forth, and it pee's it down of course.


Now, I can't remember the last time it rained here and to be honest the first time it does I will take a shower outside.


Does everyone not from the UK think that the weather here is really like that or is it just game developers who spend too much time indoors and are a heartbeat short of a life?


Tell me, I need to know because I think I may be living in my own 'Matrix'.

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It tends to rain far more in Wales than it does in southern England, but even here we often have brown lawns in the summer, and it was too damm hot to do anything much earlier in the week.


We only ever get thunderstorms in the summer, and torrential rain is quite unusual. Normally, we get the soft drizzle that keeps going for weeks at a time regardless of what's happening in the rest of Europe. THis is the normal monthly weather where I live:


January: freezing fogs/soft drizzle

February: freezing fogs/snow

March: soft rain/snow

April: moderate rain/sunny spells

May: ditto

June: mostly sunny, but occasional torrential downpours

July: sunny, no rain

August: sunny, but some thunderstorms

September: soft drizzle

October: soft drizzle/some freezing fogs

November: moderate rain all month

December: freezing fogs/soft drizzle (no snow)

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lucky, where i live it goes like this

Winter: Cold and frosty, lots of rain, but no snow

Summer: It gets extremely hot, tomorrow's temperature is predicted to be 109


but yeah, its possible that they heard it rains in some parts of england, and they live in oregon (the developers), so they make it rain a lot

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109 is pretty hot, I thought it was damn hot here but 109 beats Lincolnshire.


Every time I go to Wales AT, the clouds seem to be on the ground, and I rekon the last time I looked they are supposed to be in the sky.

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In england it rains all the time, everyone wears grey clothing, drink tea and act very posh or talk about football all the time. I though everyone knew these things by now!? :drink:


I guess it's just about as accurate as polar bears living in Sweden *sigh*

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I guess it's just about as accurate as polar bears living in Sweden *sigh*


You mean they don't? Does this also mean that not all Swedish people are blonde and are eight feet tall. :drink:


What we need is a new post for misconceptions about all the countries of the world.

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Oh this is terrible, all my images of people on SC are being shot to pieces.


So I guess you are going to tell me that you are not a rotund, 5 feet tall bloke in a suit with a red face singing all the time whilst munching on a leek?

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Not at all, some are adults - or is that minors?


Strange that AT about national flowers, the leek is really a North Eastern veg. They are the kings of leeks.


Mmm, descriptions...... I think I like my anonymity too much. I'll go as far as saying I'm a burly type, the sort that you may see outside a nightclub with a suit on.


But it may be a good idea to start the thread Praetoris.

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