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Game Error. . . PLEASE HELP ! !


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Hey everyone, first time posting and i've got this problem with my x-com: ufo defence.


I had a battleship that was at very low altitude, so i sent out an interceptor and a skyranger to intercept it. The interceptor caught up with it first and went into the combat screen.


But i wanted to get the battleship landed (since it would blow up my interceptor anyways) so i got off the combat screen to watch the chase for a while.


Now, skyranger cathces up with the battleship and has it's own combat screen and which i get out of too. Battleship lands and skyranger lands near battleship for recovery mission.


Successful mission and everything is dandy, except the combat screen is still up for the interceptor (the little box on the top left of the geoscape) and if i order the interceptor to return to base, an error comes up which shuts down the game. Anyone had this happen before and have any solutions ? I really don't want to replay those 2 battleships all over again.

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Hmm. So we have a saved game with a successful battleship recovery and a minimized-interceptor bug. Is there an earlier saved game, and how close is it to the battleship mission?


There's a bug, I think described in the Wiki, about Ctrl-C cancelling a battlescape mission and dumping you back to the geoscape with the results of the _previous_ battlescape mission.


Any bright ideas about using the two bugs to cancel out each other? Or will it only load the battlescape results from the "good" saved game?


I'd be inclined to let the fuel run out, myself. I had a variant of this bug once and had to do something silly, like shoot down the target UFO with a handy nearby Firestorm to free up the minimized Interceptor again.

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The Ctrl-C exploit won't return you to a previous geoscape status, I'm afraid. The game will continue from the same position in time, only the mission results will be a duplicate of the last mission completed.
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I'm afraid you'll have to replay those missions. Never, ever, ever save the game (either Battlescape or Geoscape) with a minimized intercept screen. That's what causes the problem and Microprose, the Unofficial Strategy Guide (USG) and the Official Strategy Guide (OSG) all acknowledge this bug. :drink:


- Zombie

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What if you order the Interceptor to do something else, like visit a way point and patrol, or attack another UFO? Or just do nothing and wait for the fuel to dwindle?



Doesn't matter what it does, as long as it need to return to base, the error occurs.




Thanks a lot guys ! Guess i'll just have to replay it from the last save :drink: . . . and hope i get it as good with the battleships again. . .

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Not so much remove the Interceptor as just the intercept. The craft is attempting to stand off against a UFO that no longer exists, so if that order is replaced with one telling it to patrol, it should hopefully remove the window automatically.


If it doesn't, then it should be simple enough to do that manually, too.

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