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X-Com is a part of everyone's childhood...

Childhood? Maybe for you young whipper-snappers, but this fart named Zombie first started playing X-COM when he was at the ripe old age of 23. Adulthood would best describe my situation. :)


Gee, it's like 12 years since the release of this game and I'm still playing it. That's gotta say something. :)


- Zombie


Childhood? I was 18 when I first came across it! Alledgedly adult at least :D



Same here I was just 17 when I discovered it. :) Sadly enough I was also just 17 when I lost it. Courtesy of viruses and the such. :) Alas.. here I am almost 4 years later and just finding it again (Ebay) and ready to jump back on the skyranger. :) Yippeee.

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