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Hospital Stays


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One thing that I have noticed is that hospital stays for injured troopers can vary greatly, even from the same wound. I had a trooper survive a nearly direct blaster bomb hit. He survived with something like 3 hp left, and didn't regain much more then a couple of points after being healed with the medikit. After the mission, I noticed that (doing various reloads) his hospital stay ranged anywhere from as short as 16 days on up all the way to 46 days.


So what is the longest hospital stay your troops have had?

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Isn't it based on how many hitpoints needed to regain the full amount, with (I think) one hitpoint repaired per day?


So take a soldier with 80 hitpoints bring him with 1 of his life and 79 days in the hospital right?


Wrong because you'd sack him first. :(

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You Gotta love it when your prized sharpshooter was blasted with a nade and put into sickbay for over 2 months. I think about 60-65 days was the most i ever had. Is it me or does AP wounds put you in the hospital longer than plasma wounds (saying that you lost about the same amount to damage).


-Psy Guy- :(

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Weapon damage doesn't affect hospital time. It isn't recorded.


The hospital time is definitely random, though the severity of the hospital seems to be affected by how experienced a soldier is and how much damage the soldier had during the battle. Other factors involved are still a mystery to me. Rank might be one, but I doubt it.


A brand new rookie with 16 damage can stay anywhere between 1 - 16 (give or take a few) days. A severely crippled supersoldier with naturally maxed out stats can stay in the hospital for a month or two. The duration is usually more than the hitpoints that they lost. I think this is the one of the advantages of being a rookie. They get stuck in the hospital for shorter durations. :(


Illegally modified soldiers or soldiers in UFO v1.0-1 are worse (think most of the physical stats at or near 255)! I recall saw one go up to 1/3 of a year or so... nasty.


I've been thinking of running a few experiments to see what affects hospital stay, but since there are random numbers involved, it's going to be very difficult to gauge the effects.




And the results are in!


Uncured critical wounds do not affect hospital stay, nor does rank. Although lower ranking soldier do appear to get less time, but I think that's just a coincidence.


From the tests I ran, I see that only the amount of health lost determines how long you stay in hospital. This explains why rookies don't stay long - they don't have much health to lose.


Based on statistics, the amount of bed stay appears to be the number of points of health you lost and then give or take a random number of days up to 50% of the health you lost.


For example losing 30 health gave me a minimum bed time of 15 days all the way to a maximum of 45 days. Losing 14 health resulted in Min: 7, Max: 21 days. Losing 60 health (out of 61) produced something like Min 30, Max 90. Etc.


I think the formula would look something like so:


Healing time = health lost +/- (rand()%(health lost/2))


Or, I guess the following would achieve the same results:


Healing time = (health lost / 2) + (rand()%health lost)



That's what I found. Anyone care to have a go at it and see if it's true?






edit: Sorry, forgot a bit of basic math for a moment... It was 45, not 60 days for losing 30 health. Looking at the wrong stats at the time. :(

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