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Titan Quest


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That screenshot of Slaughter's reminded me of the game. Did anyone play the demo yet? Seems like a fun little game. And finally no more scrolls of Town Portal (you can activate Town Portals at any time, and don't need an item).


I really liked the Earth + Fire mage. Saved all the skill points for the Fire Elemental, and boy does it kick butt. ;)




I just stood in the back, and shot fireballs at the Centaur boss, while the elemental did all the damage, and didn't even die.





Anyway, graphically it looks very nice, and it actually doesn't feature only the boring brown + grey + dark green combination of colors. That is not to say it looks too colourful. I like the greek mythology setting, although the characters (yes, the towns now don't actually feature 5 people) can often be pretty annoying. Like that guy who asks you to find some necklace. When you get it back, you better turn the sound down, because he'll yell as if you just found his long lost relative.


It's a hack&slash, so don't expect anything remotely complicated character wise, and if you have a somewhat older machine (Radeon 9600 Pro with 1 gig of ram and an AMD XP 2600+ Palomino), it tends to huff&puff on some occasions.


There was also a nasty bug which messed up all the menus and other text with a "tag not found" message). There's a solution on the net, or you just ask me. :)

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I checked the demo out and I'm considering buying the game, lots of fun if you're into a very Diablo-like game. Passive and offensive Earth/fire-spells + The defensive mastery sounds like what I'd try out to begin with.


I got the "tag not found" error (if we're talking about the same issue) but I could solve it by changing an entry in a config. The issue was that the game was installed and set to the computer's language, in my case Swedish, which was a bit of a problem since that language pack didn't exist in my release.

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That finger should be very familiar to anyone who's played hack'n slash before :) ...titan quest isn't that mad though.

There are some nice functions to ease your work. For instance holding shift (or ctrl, I can't remember) while attacking makes your character chop away until no one's around anymore ;)

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