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Highest Funding?


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like the topic says, what's the highest funding anyone's ever gotten from any nation other than the US (knowing that they're virtually always the highest funding nation, unless they're taken over by aliens)


mine's Japan, with $6.8 million/month (in that game, i've got four funding nations left, and i'm fighting tooth and nail to keep them, and on average, i down about 15-20 battleships a month with the help of my base defenses; two fusion ball defenses, and three plasma, along with a grav shield :( )

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Yeah you get some mad points I think when you get that situation, tons of battleships coming to try and take you over. 4 fusion defenses plus a grav usually does them in. That could be helping with your last remaining countries.


Shame there's no way to turn off the defenses without dismantling them, so you can get a base defense for fun.


Uhh, yeah... sorry I don't have anything to contribute to the topic. :(

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By the 6th month, the US is never my most funding country. In every one of my games, Japan overtakes the US regardless of how much cover I give them. It's also easier to protect.


Infact, in the vast majority of my games, it goes in this order:



South Africa



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I'm more curious to find out what's the highest total funding amount you have reached at the end of a month. Just the total from your funding nations and not how much you have in the bank. (That can get rather obscene by making and selling alien hardware.) The game starts you out with approximately $6 million give or take a few thousand. Anyone out there able to bring in $30 million? How about $40 million? Also what year and month were you at when you reached your peak funding?


For myself, the highest amount I have reached, which is still climbing in my current game is about $24 million in March 2000. I have lost several funding nations, the US, Canada, South Africa, and China. Although I could have reached Cydonia long ago, I'm just playing to max out funding and max out stats on my Cydonia strike team. Once I reached that or lose a few more nations I'll end the game and take out Cydonia.

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That sounds about right, eventually you reach an equilibrium with countries leaving and coming back and so on, and 24 M$ as I recall was about that level too.

uhh... they don't come back...

That has not been my experience. I get them back all the time. When they come back they start at around their initial funding after that their staying with you is somewhat chaotic, with them just leaving for no reason and coming back yet again.

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I've been playing UFO since I was a fetus, and have never had that happen before. You could just have a low funding country that you never noticed before. NKF and Blade will probably have the official answer.
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Just for the record, I've never seen them return either. But as I have often been wrong before, I'm open to the possibility. :(


I started a brand new game and used an editor and forced all the countries to withdraw funding. Wonder of wonders, the game let me keep going! Well, after bolstering my cash a bit to cover maintenance costs, I let a half a year pass by with positive scores every month. None of the countries returned. But it was a rather amusing experience to let the occasional infiltrator go scott free without suffering the consequences!



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I've gotthe psx version, and they do come back. Though it is very infrequent and very erratic. Sometimes they bother to fund you, sometimes they don't. Never seen it happen on the PC or Amiga versions, but I imagine it can.

Oh, my usual high rollers are South Africa (?) and Japan.

Land of the rising account balance.

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As long and as often as I have played X-COM, I've never seen an infiltrated country return. On a funny side note, I have a country that the previous month withdrew its funding. Now in my current month one of their cities has become a terror site. Gee... now what is my incentive to intervene? Maybe I'll go in with Blaster Launchers blazing and level the whole map! Heh heh heh. :devil:
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I've got a really old DOS version (I'll have to go check the number). Maybe it's a bug that was later fixed? I think the trick is to keep your monthly scores high but if it's a bug then who knows!


I also ran FIX from xcomutil on it at some time in the past (while it was still an included feature). Though I can't recall for sure but this may have happened even before that.

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Iv'e never seen them come back, i had a few countries left and only 3 or 4 million funding. so i always had to sell a lot of excess stuff at the end of the month. Saving a lot in case i lost the game, trying to hold out until i could get to cydonia.
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