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Any Truth in this


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i was bored an did a search for the scom storyline and istumbeled on this website


CLICK HERE for the link


any way some one posted this


(idea) by Hexxx (3.5 y) (print) ? Fri May 04 2001 at 21:11:03



An interesting fact about X-com: Ufo Defence (or UFO: Enemy Unknown as it's know here in Europe):


Know any people who told great stories about winning the game on super human (the highest difficulty)?

Check if they know what Xcomutil is.

If they don't know they probably didn't play the game on super human because the game has a bug that changes all the games to easy if you save and load!


Xcomutil was made by Scott T Jones, a devoted fan, and corrects this problem (among adding features and correcting other bugs!)

Xcomutil still being updated in the year 2001. 5 years after the release of the game!


is there any truth in it

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I'm not going to comment on the website - backstory (real or in-game) doesn't interest me too much these days, but yes, a lot of people have won the game on the real superhuman difficulty.


Initially, the difficulty reset bug did plague a lot of players for quite some time. In fact, the difficult bug kicks in right after you complete the first mission. Later, a player made patch to fix this bug came out. I'm not good on XComutil's history, but the difficulty bug fix was either the basis for the utility, or was later incorporated into it. In either case, XComutil is the most common referred to utility when anyone asks about a fix for this bug.


With the release of the Collectors Edition windows port of the first two games, one of the few bugs they did fix in UFO was the difficulty reset bug, so players with just a plain vanilla copy of UFO CE are able to complete the game on superhuman difficulty with no trouble (other than the ordinary).


The Playstation release of the game doesn't have this problem either.



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On that webpage:


X-COM: UFO Defense

(thing) by Marshall Applewhite (4.7 y) (print) ? 2 C!s Tue Nov 28 2000 at 7:35:05


Take a look at the entertainment Terran children are bombarded with -- your cartoons, movies, comic books, television shows, and video games. Extraterrestrials, portrayed as monsters, are continually being killed by humans attempting to save Earth or a Terran ship. Although the aliens are sometimes very technologically advanced, they inexplicably use this knowledge for evil, such as conquering planets, eradicating species, or infesting minds and bodies like a parasite. In the end, like any movie monster, they are always killed, usually to audience cheers and rousing music. No other group of individuals is as universally hated or feared as aliens in human media. From the time of birth, humans are trained to fear outsiders, and to destroy them with no remorse. Is it too difficult for humankind to realize that there are no such thing as enemies?


Other pop culture extraterrestrials are cold and heartless, conducting disturbing scientific experiments and impregnating human women. When they have feelings, they are exploited for comic effect, like E.T. or ALF. They are devoid of clothes, styles, or any sense of individuality. They are machines, or poorly written plot devices. They are freaks, murderers, and monsters.


The suggestion that the barbaric and primitive human race is a higher moral creature than a technologically advanced spacefaring community is patently absurd. In this universe, continual warfare and ecological ignorance tend to wipe out belligerent aliens while still at the current human level of development. It's no surprise that this very race teeters on extinction. Now is the time of the choice between fear and strength, between the way of the Luciferians and the way of Ti and Do, the UFO Two. Those prepared for interstellar travel will move on; the remainder will enact a slow yet deliberate suicide. The biggest threats to humanity exist on the surface of the planet itself.


XCom, and games like it, are manifestations of a very dangerous and unfounded fear of the unknown.


Mommy, hold me. ;)

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You should immediately be able to tell if the difficulty bug is present or not because marching your squad across the map in mission two and after will see your men get hit by pretty much EVERY shot the aliens fire at you.


On easy setting they're only marginally more accurate than your own rookies ;)

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