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Dark Messiah of Might and Magic

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I guess first person hack and slash are the hype again....

It does look very cool especially when you use the enviroment to defeat your enemies....

Don't like that dragon and you can't defeat it?

Bring down the castle on top of it! :eh:

Being creative when you play is always exciting....I do like that spell on the corner of the walkway which made the enemy hot on your heels slip in it an fall of the walkway. :thinking: And that sneaky backstab attack....A thing of beauty.....

Is there any word on what physics engine they will be using? Havoc or PhysX? Or something entirely different...

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Source-based apparently, I'd guess it'll be on something like the same level as HL2's Episode 1.


The slip-trick cracked me up as well and the swordfighting seems a bit more interesting in this game than oblivion. It's hopefully a bit more than just senseless bashing and blocking :thinking:


Are there any thief-fans on this forum by the way? I really like how the swordplay worked in that game, even if it's perhaps a bit basic today.

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Personally I liked sme of the duels in the Jedi Knight2: Jedi Outcast and Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy because there were a range of attack strengths with the saber and a range of moves to do. Limited as they might be, coupled with special moves you got somewhere around 20 moves. With two sabers you got different again and with saber-staff you got yet more neat moves.


If they've got a range of swords and a range of easy-to-remember attacks then it should be cool. None of this roll-of-the-dice crap like in Oblivion and it's predecessors. There comes a point where you have to give the hell up on the tabletop style of play :thinking:

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