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Collector's Editon Weirdness?


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As I left my X-COM CD's at my old house, I headed over to Gamespy to legally download Enemy Unknown (hey, it's gotta be legal if it's on Fileplanet.com) and have been playing happily these past few evenings until...


I met my first bunch of Chrysalids. So, I'm on Superhuman level and already have flying armour so you'd think they'd be easy enough to avoid, but nooooo... eventually you have to stoop down to their level to enter the UFO's and thgat's where the trouble begins.


Now, usually there's a cool fleshy sound when someone gets turned into a zombie in the game, but on the version downloaded at Gamespy I could swear there's an extra sound, like radio chatter with someone saying something amusing like "I don't know you" or something - I can't quite make it out.


Anyone care to check it out and see if I'm not just hearing things? I'm vconvinced someone has amusingly changed one of the sound effects prior to the folks at Fileplanet putting the game up for download. :P

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I've never heard a fleshy noise when fighting Chrysallids. :eh:


Tricky to describe the noise I hear... :thinking: Most likely it's the one you're hearing now. Any chance you can drag up the old sound effect, or know which game version it came from?

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It might be that the game's playing a part of the next sound sample in the file.


Can you post your sample?.cat files somewhere so we can poke at them a bit?


I know in my copy of CE UFO (the copy off the June 2000 PCGamer cd), there snakeman movement sound is a little odd. It plays the normal sound, and then is followed by an unusual thump, (perhaps the hit of a cannon round?) which I believe is the next in line. Or something like that.



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