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BB's Toolkit

Bomb Bloke

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The colours are funky because you didn't apply the Battlescape palette.


Anyway, the BigObs and FloorOb PCKs I was referring to are those generated for the recoloured uniforms (in bb_tact\PCK), not the vanilla PCK files. I can't use them without extracting them to proper .gifs, and I haven't been able to manage that. I could recolour the vanilla files directly myself, but it could be somewhat jarring since the result wouldn't be 100% precise compared to the already-extracted inventory and soldier sprites.

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So i know for future, how do i apply the battle scape palette?


i just downloaded a fresh copy of the toolkit , i cant see Handobs or Bigobs anywhere


To apply one of the palettes, it depends on the way you extracted the graphic. The toolkit's manual tells you how to extract images in a specific palette in the Pck2Gif section. Otherwise, if you use GIMP, you need to have palette (.pal or .act) files handy and apply them when you convert an image from RGB to Indexed mode. The window that pops up allows you to convert using a custom palette.


As for the other thing, you need to run UniGen.bat in bb_tact once you've unzipped the whole thing to the X-COM folder. That'll generate all the coloured uniforms in the PCK subfolder.


Unfortunately, I've run into another problem: at the very least the inventory images for the black power suit use the last row of the battlescape palette, which is something OpenXcom doesn't handle very well since it uses that last row for other purposes. And to make matters worse, said palette doesn't have enough dark gray values to recolour the aforementioned images in sufficient detail. :(

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  • 2 months later...
Hey there, BB. I don't know if you're still around, but I could use your help extracting .GIFs out of your recoloured uniforms, so I can adapt them individually to OpenXcom.


So far I've only worked on the black Power/Flying Suit, and I've been able to extract the main battlescape sprites and the inventory "paper doll" sprites. However, the corpse graphics (both BigObs.pck and FloorOb.pck) have been making me tear my hair off.

Sorry I'm so late to reply. I assume I'm rather too late, but here's your answer anyway.


Those FloorOb/BigOb files in the recoloured uniform folders contain just single sprites (much like the BigOb files in the UFOGraph folder). If you create a TAB file for each of them containing just 0x00 00, then that'd be enough to get eg PCKView to open them. Generating a new PCK archive with just any single image in it would give you such a TAB file that you could copy/rename to suit, assuming you don't have a hex editor close to hand.


BBMod implements them by re-writing the "full" BigObs.pck / FloobOb.pck files on the fly, to incorporate the single-sprites as the user plays the game. This means that you can have eg the blue power armour suit used with the red personal armour and the brown overalls, then change that for the next mission (given that it assigns different colours depending on the terrain you're visiting), and it'll still correctly generate single BigObs / FloorOb archives which contains the correct graphics for all of those sets.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I recently inflicted a 64bit OS on myself for the first time, and... I'm not having this issue. Beats me how everyone else around the web manages to run into it.


Reading around a bit, it sounds like the main cause is installing a 32bit version of Java, but not a 64bit version (I currently only have the 64bit version in place myself, but you can have both) - the path doesn't get set, so your OS doesn't know where to find Java at all (it's logical that the path would instead be set to your 64bit JRE, but if you don't have that, then...).


Seems most people deal with this by setting the path to their Java installs manually, though it's likely better to just go download a JRE for Windows x64.

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