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modding xcom 1 and 2


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i'd like to learn how to mod the first 2 xcom games.....i know it's probably hella rough for someone who doesn't know crap all about it....but maybe someone could point me towards a site that'll teach me how?
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Well i guess just basic stuff to start off....say changing weapon stats, names and images. I'm sure once i learn the simpler stuff the harder stuff will come to me a little easier.
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Well, you could try to learn how to use MS-Edit, a very peculiar tool to use for editing the game stats, but I use it all the time and have somehow convince a few others to use it too.


There's a rather basic explanation on how to use it on the wiki:


Wiki hacker tools


Some of the data files are also being chronicled on the wiki. Check the bottom of the Under the Hood section. The file information's at the bottom.


It's all pretty basic, but there should be enough info there for you to change your weapons and soldiers into deus ex machina devices, or mess up the game if things go wrong (tip: make a backup of any file you're working on).



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