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X-com editor


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I'm going to get myself a game editor so i can completely rule the game....or atleast slightly beef up my current game....can anyone reccomend a good program for the CE version with the ability to edit pretty much everything?
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There's a few little programs of mine in the files section. One arms civilians, for example. :P


Edit: Hmm, now that I look for it, it seems that one never made it to the files section. :P Guess I'll have to hunt it down.

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Under the files section, you might want to grab the Clark Wehyer Editors suit. It contains a fair all-purpose UFO and TFTD editor that I'd recommend you add to your toolbox along with XComutil and whatever other interesting program you can slap together or get.


Some of its more useful features include editing base modules, editing base and ship stores and editing soldier stats. I think it also allows editing base module stats (these only effect the current savegame - so it's okay) - but I could be wrong about that.



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Can I just say something? Why call it the "Clark Wehyer Editors suit"? I tried finding it but I can't.

Could you guys at least refer to it by the filename?


Anyway, the editor that I use is called UFO.EXE Editor. (That's the filename if you want to know.)


Its in the file section under UFO: Enemy Unknown-Tools-UFO.EXE Editor. It edits most of whats in the game. You can even change the text in the UFOpedia.


Thing is though, when you change the settings, you have to start a new game in order for the effects to take place.


The only one I think which is better, is the X-com Hack (UFO:EU), it looks like a more advanced version of the UFO.EXE Editor, but it was made by two different peope.


The X-com hack (UFO:EU) has the abilty to edit pretty much everything in the game.


That's my piece said.

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It's called the CWE editor suit because that is its name. I just had a look at the files section, and unfortunately, it's not there. Must've been forgotten the last time it was emptied. I'm sure it was there back during the X-Com Tactical Command days, if memory serves.


Anyway, if you really want it, you can try XComUFO's UFO editor section: https://www.xcomufo.com/cheating.html


As for having to restart for changes to take effect: The changes are done to the files and executables, which will have already been loaded into memory before the changes, so you won't notice any of the changes directly. If you were using the dos version or you're using X-ComUtil to run the Collectors Edition with split executables, the changes would normally take effect the next time you switch between the Geoscape or Battlescape. For any edits that are done directly to the save files, the changes won't take affect until the next time you reload the game.


There aren't too many editors that can edit the game when it's running - bar something like the Infinity Machine, which would normally crash on most systems. That was an old cheat TSR that you could run on top of your DOS games that would allow you to locate various stats in your computer's memory and then lock them so that they were always infinite. Just imagine locking your TUs and energy. Nasty thing that.



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