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I'am playing a game where i have virtualy everything, so i dont need more useless things, exept some needed things like money, elerium-115 and some other things.


Basicly i just make hole in the UFO and then throw in the explosives. I edited my High Explosive Pack with a HEX editor, or how its called.


Now aliens have to worry about not to die. Imagine, a small scout, all aliens are still inside, sudenly the door opens and an armored X-Com trooper throws in an primed explosive and then walks away. Next turn.



The whole UFO is destroyed and only the roof is okay and still hovering in the air.



I only get the aliens.


What tactics you use to flush out panic or kill aliens?

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Myself? I just wait for them all to come out and mow them down with a torrent of reaction fire ( 6 - 8 soldier scattered firing squad). I use laser pistols and laser rifles for their speed - and because faster firing guns allow for more frequent reaction shots, the outcome is stunning.


This may be a very lazy way of dealing with the UFOs, however, it's main aim is to train the all important reaction stat. I suppose you can call it a counterpoint to my habit of lobbing high explosives all over the place. (unedited - they're still the most powerful 'grenade' you can buy in large quantities)


Now, some ships do not allow you to clear out the whole ship this way. In this case, I send a soldier or two in. How the ships are cleared out depends on the ship.


For the large scout, I'll first try to lure out the waiting alien by waiting up the left corridor. If I hear something move, I'll find an exhausted alien in the next room. Easy peasy. If it won't move - things tend to go pear shaped - or I just look for a heavy plasma and try to make alternate entrances. If I get really bored, I just blast the corner with a large rocket or high explosive pack. If it's a damaged Large Scout, I just throw a few high explosives in over the course of a few turns. No aliens that man a large scout can survive this.


For Supply ships, I seal off the two lifts and clear out the levels one at a time. By now it's usually clear of all but the alien that that sometimes waits in the bridge. This alien is generally dealt with by way of a heavy plasma and a high explosive. I cut a hole through the rear and toss a high explosive in. I make it a point to toss high explosives around the corners to get any aliens waiting outside the bridge. Or, I just go to the storage level, pull out an autocannon and fire up at the floor of the bridge. Rockets do too. Note that the guard in the bridge is actually mobile, so it's not always necessary to go after it.


For abducters - I deal with the guard in the bridge in a similar manner. Heavy plasma and High explosive through the rear. Or a autocannon-HE or rockets up at the floor of the bridge.



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Nice NKF, by the way for what NKF stands for


I made the aliens panic the shit out them.


Imagine, very small scout, I already scatred the whole team on the map and i'am playing Hide N Seek game with the only alien on the landing site.


I shot next to the alien with laser rifles or throw grenades near him, but i throw the such wany tha the wouldnt harm it. After some turns of that psyhic test, the alien goes berserk and starts shoting everywhere he can and ofcourse he dosent hit my men, he doesnt even seen them YET.


After more turns of psyhic test the alien goes haywire, in other words panics, and starts throwing down his weapons and other equipment. On one of my missions he throws a primed alien grenade right infron of him.


Next turn.



I look at that place where the alien was, and i see a dead or unconsios alien laying on the scorched grass. It seems aliens have their own limits.



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  • 1 month later...

Okay, back to the topic.


*Takes out a combat shotgun*



Big Bang tactic, the player sends some of his troopers that have very many TU's, basicly... he gives the troopers the High Explosive Packs and sends them to plant the explosives on the whole map, the player has to know the blast radius to get a perfect Bang, the result is a very healthy explosion, that turns the map into a smoking crater.


When I did this, half of the alien crew paniced, litelary. By the way, EU players, don't use such tactic in terror sites.

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  • 1 month later...

Yeah you are tight, but still I'm a bomb maniac so that should help me. Man I wished that EU would be remade more realistic, meaning that I could boumb the whole suport of the house and woudl come crashing down and killing everybody inside, just like in Apoc.


Okay back to the topic.


Can anybody else give some tactics he/she uses

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