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Most likely there is a static item table in apocalypse as well, but I don't know what it's limit is, seems to be pretty high, can't remember any instances where e.g. brainsucker pods would stop appearing or such, even when fighting both aliens and building guards.

Agent Equipment (score) took me some time to figure out as well, at first I also thought the aliens would get weapon Type 1 + grenade type 1 + other equipment 1A&B, etc... but it's random for each equipment type. It's been a while but I'm pretty sure the game does assign both 'other equipment type A & B' and not two random items from the entire list. Your guess that their inventory is filled with grenades and ammo is a good one. Probably the game follows the order in the list when adding equipment so guns+ ammo, then grenades and lastly other equipment. Since the game accepts any equipment anywhere you could for example replace some grenades with shields (and some other equipment with grenades), or for aliens with weapons without clips you could add shields as their ammo type. smile.png Prioritizing other equipment instead of grenades when adding equipment would be alot better though. I'll try to find the code in TACP.EXE!


edit: I added your observations to apoc'd karadoc, thanks. But regarding current/max morale, I already have current morale mapped in apoc'd (by zaimoni), right after Current Strength. Would you mind checking that?

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I was mistaken about "Morale? (copy 1)" & copy 2. I guess I just thought I'd tested that when I actually hadn't. I just tried it then, and I can't actually see any connection between those numbers and morale at all. I tried changing them, and I didn't notice any effect, and I had some agents suicide to the aliens to lower morale, and those two numbers were unchanged. -- The morale number attributed to zaimoni does match the number shown in the game.
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OK, removed those two from the list :) Looks like I added them myself without actually checking first, mb. I took a peek at the equip code, the size of the item table seems to be limited at 500 items. (this may be higher in battle as some item slots may be reserved for e.g. brainsucker pods) Changing the code to first add other equipment and grenades afterwards may be a bit too difficult though.
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  • 1 month later...
Hi people. I dunno if anybody still reads these forums, but i'll try regardless. I have a question about apoc'd mod and x com apocalypse. I'm huge fan of aerial battles, i slightly modified equipment layout. I made more weapon slots in apoc'd mod for huge battles. But after some invistigation i coudnt help but notice that game restricted each aircraft down to just 3 weapon. In another words, you could have and fill with weapons 10 slots, but game allows plane to shoot from only 3 weapons! Those 3 weapon squares on control panel. Here comes my question. Basically i want my aircraft shoot all 6 weapons! Now it only uses 3. Is it somehow possible, by using apoc'd mod, to lift this restriction? Thanks in advance.
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  • 7 months later...

And now for a question. Is there an easy way to determine the differences between two TACP.EXE or UFO2P.EXE files such that it's easily understandable what was modified? I'm sure that a hex diff is possible, but that's not very human readable.


I can use apoc'd to look at specific things, but is there a way to get an export of all of the information that apoc'd can show me? Even just a dump to a text file in a consistent format would be useful since I can then run ExamDiff or something similar to look at what was altered.

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  • 2 years later...

The "Apoc'd can't recognise my version of UFO2P/TACP.EXE" error - solved!


tl;dr: Exit Apoc'd. Delete APOC'BAK.ORD. Restart Apoc'd. Done!


I just started re-playing XCom:Apoc when my son discovered it on Steam. I dug out my old CD (1997 was pre-DVD, youngsters), fiddled with some DOSBOX command line options, and voila!



I half-remembered some savegame utilities from back in the day. I don't remember Apoc'd (I think I used to use Xed) but Apoc is far superior. Including being able to switch roles of the agents :-) which is just what I was looking for. Send some of those excess agents for job retraining! And soon I had four advanced workrooms full of engineers.


I was having fun squashing aliens and didn't notice that one of Diablo's tenements was collateral damage during a UFO attack. They decided to wait until most of my agents were off in the other dimension to invade my base. I had two agents still there... and 40 technicians. They got three of them, including 2 engineers. And wouldn't you know it? no Engineers waiting to be hired.


I fired up Apoc'd to make some edits, and got the message:

Apoc'd can't recognise my version of UFO2P/TACP.EXE (Actually, I think the message had the patch in there in addition to the file name - more like "Can't find APOK'BAK.ORD\TACDATA\ufo2p.exe.)


Oh no! I didn't have a backup of UFO2P.EXE or TACP.EXE (dunno if that's still required/recommended). I tried re-installing the game, no dice. I started fiddling with APOC'BAK.ORD. No change. Then I noticed another file: APOC'BAK.bak. Deleted that, still no change. I figured, what do I have to lose? it's already broken. Deleted APOC'BAK.ORD. And there was great rejoicing!


So simple, even low-skill noobs like me can fix it!


Thanks for the great util!

I half-remembered some savegame utilities from back in the day. I don't remember Apoc'd (I think I used to use Xed) but Apoc is far superior. Including being able to switch roles of the agents :-) which is just what I was looking for.

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  • 8 years later...

Well I realise the last reply was over 10 years ago... but eh...

If anyone is still paying attention.

Firstly thank you j'ordos for this wonderful tool. I have used it on and off for many years now. So Aye thanks man.

Anyway, I want to edit ammunition amounts and I cannot find where you do this. I have tried checking the agent equipment 1 to 3 sections.

I was trying to increase the stun grappler to 16 ammo. I made it into a law pistol powered stunner.

Help appreciated!



Never mind, I found it. It is in the "Agents Equipment 2". Because it was greyed out I didn't check it...

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