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DreamFall: The Longest Journey Review at IGN

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9.0 Presentation

One of the best storylines you can find on store shelves right now, though it has a particular dissatisfying element.

7.5 Graphics

Distinctive futuristic and fantastical environments are marred by awkward character animations.

8.5 Sound

Character voices inflect naturally, the music effectively sets the mood, and sound effects generally enhance the experience.

4.0 Gameplay

With simplified puzzles and terrible action sequences, there's little in Dreamfall to actually "play." Scenarios with multiple paths and conversation branches always result in the same thing anyway.

3.0 Lasting Appeal

Once you're through, there's little reason to go back. This is largely because the end result of your minor decisions is generally the same.



(out of 10 / not an average)

Apparently the game is worth playing, at least once, at least if the storyline is as great as they say :eh: I know I loved the original and I'm certainly going to get this one.

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Okay, I just installed the behemoth of a game (I had hoped 7 GB was a misprint :eh:). First impression goes along with what the media writes really (I've only played an hour or two). The camera controls is a mess (I HATE CONSOLES!!!!!!!!!!), the combat system is a joke and there hasn't really been any puzzles yet.


On the bright side, the story is really starting to intrigue me! Excellent voice acting, beautifully art direction (even if the graphics isn't fantastic) and so on will probably put the annoyances mentioned at first aside soon enough, but it's a pity that they had to include the retarded "Toombraiderish" action elements. Classic adventure games like the first one CAN STILL stand on their own. As always, I blame the HATED XBOX. Hope it keeps giving Microsoft losses until they kill off the bloody thing! Casual gamers will never have the patience to play Dreamfall anyway, so why change the gameplay in their direction?

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  • 3 weeks later...
Okay, I just installed the behemoth of a game (I had hoped 7 GB was a misprint :P). First impression goes along with what the media writes really (I've only played an hour or two). The camera controls is a mess (I HATE CONSOLES!!!!!!!!!!), the combat system is a joke and there hasn't really been any puzzles yet.


On the bright side, the story is really starting to intrigue me! Excellent voice acting, beautifully art direction (even if the graphics isn't fantastic) and so on will probably put the annoyances mentioned at first aside soon enough, but it's a pity that they had to include the retarded "Toombraiderish" action elements. Classic adventure games like the first one CAN STILL stand on their own. As always, I blame the HATED XBOX. Hope it keeps giving Microsoft losses until they kill off the bloody thing! Casual gamers will never have the patience to play Dreamfall anyway, so why change the gameplay in their direction?

Just got it yesterday, I have to agree with all your points, the camera control is really crappy, I was really *really* hoping that Dreamfall would be a point and click game like the original.

Love the voices and artwork, too :P hope the storyline is as good as everyone's saying, to compesate with the camera and tomb-raider elements.

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According to most reviews I have read the storyline is excelent, but you need to have played the first game to understand a lot of it. The reviews also said pretty much what you said, crap controls, puzzels are too simple, not enough interactive stuff, etc. But they said it REALLY was a good story... so they gave it 80%. :P


Meh, I'll keep it on preorder, I always like a good story. :P

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Well, I played pretty far before E3, and the story is quite interesting. Really saddens me to think of how good this game could have been if they hadn't made all the blunders though... (everyone should REALLY play The Longest Journey!)


Anyway, let me know what you think when you get farther / a chance to play it :P

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Played some more:


- Love the voice-acting.

- Continue to hate the tomb-raider elements such as the awful camera to the ridiculous and completely out of place combat crap.

- Intriguing and excellent story, so far.

- I can't help but get the feeling that the game is developing without me doing a whole lot, no puzzles of any sort yet, not much to do except move.

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- I can't help but get the feeling that the game is developing without me doing a whole lot, no puzzles of any sort yet, not much to do except move.

I agree. I read in an interview with the lead designer that he has an education from sort of a movie school. Guess that has a little to do with it. Still, he didn't do this in the first game, so it's strange that he'd screw up like this now. Bad "renewal tactics" I guess...

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  • 3 weeks later...

Well, guys, I've just finished the game.


It's hard to corner this one down. There are sights to be seen and a journey to make; the destination worthy. With a gift of empathy instead of closure at the end of the line, it's almost one of a kind.


The game does suffer from overabundant, non-interactive, cinematic sequences and some of the tasks you are required to do are frustratingly blatant filler (errand-boy type, back and forth, RPG quests) that can become somewhat insulting to the player's intelligence now and again.


The puzzles are not all that challenging, and their rewards not that great. Stealth is mostly annoying, if stress-inducing at times. The fighting utterly forgettable, but a bit more passable when controlling Kian later on.


The sci-fi/fantasy setting melange is well done and is likely not to be easily found elsewhere under this guise. The art direction is spot-on and voice-acting adheres to high standard.




You can probably tell I have my misgivings, but you could "twist my arm" into saying that the ending still makes it worth it...


I'm scoring Funcom and Dreamfall with a 6/10 mark for their efforts.

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