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TES IV: Oblivion Mods


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This thread is for people to list any Oblivion mods or other resources that they think are useful and/or improve gameplay of Oblivion. Please don't post mods that totally unbalances gameplay, we don't want to see any "Uber Sword of Death" mod that can kill any enemy with a single hit, or any "Godly Armour" that makes the player invincible.


I think we should keep this one post per person and use edit if you want to add/remove mods from your list. That way we keep this thread easy to read and so we don't have mod links poping up all over the place.



Mod list:


Archmage Battle Armour - https://www.elderscrolls.com/forums/index.p...howtopic=390942

Not tested this yet but this looks like an excelent set of battle armour.

Dark Rose Armor - https://www.elderscrolls.com/forums/index.p...howtopic=392006

Another quite nice looking set of armour. Again I've not tested it yet.

Overload's ModPack v3.0 - https://www.elderscrolls.com/forums/index.p...howtopic=364223

Version 3 of Overload's mod pack. A lot of these mods are very good and I think are definatly worth checking out. Especialy the BTmod ones.

DarNified BTMod configs, DarNed DarNifications Vol. 3 - https://www.elderscrolls.com/forums/index.p...howtopic=387938

Some BTMod configs. Some of these look quite good. Not tested myself.

Useful links:


Tes Source - https://www.tessource.com/ - Website to find and download mods from.

Tes Wiki - https://www.uesp.net/wiki/Main_Page - TES wiki with lots of info about all of the TES games. Does contain spoilers.

Elder Scrolls Main Site - https://www.elderscrolls.com/home/home.htm

Elder Scrolls Forum - https://www.elderscrolls.com/forums/

Optimising Oblivion v2.0 - https://www.atomicmpc.com.au/article.asp?SCID=27&CIID=36546 - How to get the best out of your hardware in Oblivion.


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Fileplanet has lots of these but sadly you'll need to be a member to get them, unless you don't mind a 40 min que that is :eh:





I'd strongly recommend most of what's in the Overload's ModPack (v.4 was recently made available). Few things in it affect the balance of the game and you can easily switch them on or off in case you don't like them.


The BTMod (also included in the pack ^^) is simply invaluable :P

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I'm using a realism mod at the mo to change the effects of scaling creatures and enemies. Also stops bandits from having ridiculously good weapons and armour! Just started using a mod to get rid of the psychic guards so I can literally get away with murder :eh: Not that I decide to go slaughtering people often but when I do the guards just appear from nowhere, even if there are no guards for miles! This mod fixes it so now I can kill whoever I want! :P
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That's basically the jist of it, it lowers the distance of the 'crime area' or whatever you want to call it. In the game apparently the noise a crime makes is over double the distance that a voice travels and if you've ever kept on walking after someone says hello you'll know that's a long way! This mod halves it and then some, works really well I think... Not got a link I'm afraid but google for it, I did. Just search for 'Oblivion psychic guards mod' and you'll get loadsa hits!
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You jest... It really sucks... I have to find like five grand soulgems, loads of garlic, some night and some bloodgrass... Then I have to kill some uber vampire before I can get a cure... Also I've unfortunately taken so long to deal with the problem that now I can't go outside in the damn sunlight! Word of warning to anyone with porphyric haemophaelia.. Go to a shrine and get it cured! DON NOT SLEEP!!!!!
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He he he, I didn't sleep...


Ok, my favourite mods;


darker nights & darker dungeons - if you use these two your illusion skill will definitely rise very quickly...


steed and saddlebags - you can summon your horse even in the cities and dungeons and give the loot into the saddlebags, which is VERY usefull for carrying and selling the loot.


Toms loot mod (or something) - so that not every bandit has a magical bow


deadlier sneaking mod - the name tells it all


more arrows retreived mod - it seemed quite nuts to me that you loose 50% of all arrows when you shoot at a deer, but if you shoot at a rock, you can get them all back. This mods sets it to 75%



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Gotta admit, I don't fancy making the game any darker :eh: I always play it with the lights off when night comes around in game so I can see a bit better! Anyway here's a list of mods I'm now using, after hunting high and low... I downloaded twice this many but these are the ones I'm about to try...


Call Steed 2.5+Saddlebags 0.91.esp

same as you voyager, I always loot weapons so I can't spend long out and about before I need to take a break!


Takes away the 'Your horse is stabled...' and 'loading area' messages etc.



Both part of the 'Natural Environments mod' Just in case your pc wants to work even harder!

No psychic guards v1.2.esp

So I can kill someone in SSkingrad without the Chorrol guards turning up!


Changes scaling so everything in Cyrodil isn't always the same level as me!


Gives you a key chain in inv to help arrange your million keys


One of many, 1-1, 1-10, 1-15 or 1-20 minutes real-game time. I'm on 1-10


Temporary one because I want to play the game and enjoy it, not spend 15 hours on the vampire quest waiting for the sunset so I can leave the inn!

wolfiePolishingCloth v1.00.esp

Very cool, drop it in a container and use your security skill to attempt to clean the 'stolen' tag off the containers contents


Also using one that isn't an .esp file. That one just removes the crown icon from important characters. Saves the enjoyment of the game so I don't know who's part of a quest until I do it. No more spoilt surprises!


Other interesting ones out there that I didn't try of course... One I liked the look of but didn't want to lose out 8hours game time a day sleeping was a realism mod that gave the PC a need for food rest and water. If the needs aren't met then certain attributes are lessened.


One for the comedians out there... I found four good-looking night sky mods but ended up using the 'natural world' mod instead. One which I downloaded just for kicks replaced the larger moon with the second unfinished death star. Very cool!


For anyone who's interested in the top ten mods, most of which I use! Go HERE...

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  • 11 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...
Which is Daggerfall? I have Redguard but none of my computers will play it at a speed good enough to enjoy or understand and I think I have Arena too but not sure. It's the one when you start as a prisoner... Oh wait a minute... That's pretty much all of them isn't it :D
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I don't think Redguard is considered an official entry into the Elder Scrolls series.


Elder Scrolls II is Daggerfall. Elder Scrolls I is Arena.


I think Redguard is much more of a spin off or something, as it came out a few years after Daggerfall and was not titled "Elder Scrolls".


The only Elder Scrolls game I am aware of that starts you off as a prisoner is Oblivion. In Daggerfall you are marooned in a cave and in Morrowind you are a passenger of a ship after having been released from incarceration. I never played Arena to know anything about that, though.

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