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Worst games you've ever played?

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Most of us have been unfortunate enough to buy a new game that looks promising, or you've heard good things about, but you end up disgustedly chucking it in the bin a couple of days later.


I'm nominating Civilization: Call to Power for this 'honour'.


I brought it on the strength that it seemed to be a Civilization game, which it is in the same way that Japanese Scotch is the same as proper Scotch. I have absolutely no idea how Activision managed to get away with calling what they grunted out a Civilization game.


The combat system had the nice idea of being able to stack units into armies, but this was counterbalanced by the combat system being balanced in favour of primitive units. No way should medieval pikemen be able to defeat modern jet fighters, even if they are sitting on top of a mountain.


As for the wonders of the world, what is the point of the AI Entity? It has a 3% chance of rebelling in a given turn, which means it will ALWAYS rebel before the end of the game. I thought the point of these wonders was that they should confer some sort of benefit to the owner and not to curse him.


And don't get me started on the diplomacy. You can hardly ever get an agreement out of somebody, and it always expires after four turns anyway. Then the rival faction cheerfully pirates your trade routes, and if you retaliate against the offending vessel, you are regarded as the villain.

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I do have Civilization: Call to Power and have mixed feelings about it....At some points it is better then Civ2 with the land improvement(No more workers/settlers) and the fact that you can build in space and under water.

But at the end of the game a fully developed technologyseeking faction quickly dashes through the last portion of technology advances(which are pretty interesting) and quickly finds itself going from rifles to superduper hightech weapons in a wink of an eye.

An a funny sidenote they 'abandoned' the Civilization name with the release of the second installment in the series.


You want bad games?

How about all those FPS-clones out there like Boilling Point, New World Order and Second Sight....At least I think that they are bad even due to bad implementation of the features that would have made them not so bad.

I guess bad games goes for all of the 'clones' of original ideas that just are plainly badly worked through. And that also includes sequels of games that are rushed through development.

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Extreme Paintbrawl.


You whinge about these games. Seriously, Extreme Paintbrawl will redefine your classification of a bad game. Do a google search, or better yet, look at the review on IGN. I dare you. (It was the only game on IGN to get a score of less than 1)

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Extreme Paintbrawl.


You whinge about these games. Seriously, Extreme Paintbrawl will redefine your classification of a bad game. Do a google search, or better yet, look at the review on IGN. I dare you. (It was the only game on IGN to get a score of less than 1)

Oh! I read a review on that one in a computer game magazine! it also got a score of 1 and was in the "disasters" section of the magazine (dedicated to games with a score lower than 3). It certainly sounded like a piece of crap.

Did you actually play this? :eh:

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Hmmm, I've heard of worse. Alchemist was the game, 1% was the score (local magazine).

1%??? Good lord! How in the name of Tartarus did that game ever get published?


Worse, who's the idiot who thought, "This game looks cool, let me sell it for you"??

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Extreme Paintbrawl.


You whinge about these games. Seriously, Extreme Paintbrawl will redefine your classification of a bad game. Do a google search, or better yet, look at the review on IGN. I dare you. (It was the only game on IGN to get a score of less than 1)

Oh! I read a review on that one in a computer game magazine! it also got a score of 1 and was in the "disasters" section of the magazine (dedicated to games with a score lower than 3). It certainly sounded like a piece of crap.

Did you actually play this? :eh:


Yup, was 29p in a Bargain bin in a local store years ago. I had read the review and just had to play! Dear god. Took me about 3 hours to get it to work in the first place!

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