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I'm so cruel


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Well, I sat down at my computer, next to this cute little 100% purebred Himalaysian kitten (cost a fortune, and going to my grandmother, so we (actually, I) get to keep her in my room overnight before my dad takes her down to my grandmother's house), and I thought to myself, "Screw it, I have about 4 good soldiers from each base, I'll transfer everything over and go assault Mars for the hell of it," Well, as things turn out... I only had 9, but went for Mars anyway. The pyramid to go into Mars was literally next to my Avenger, so that was really easy, except I lost one guy to a Cyberdisc right next to my Avenger, and another one was injured (in my haste, I had forgotten to pack Medikits.) Luckily, this person had around 55 Health going into Stage Two, even with 3 fatal wounds. Everyone had at least 69 TUs, and 75+ Psi Strength and 50+ Psi Skill. Each soldier was equipped with a Psi Amp, Heavy Plasma, 1 extra clip, and 2 alien grenades.


Stage One took about 5 turns. It was pathetisad.


Stage Two was like "omg omg omg omg omg I'm in the alien base!!" for a turn or two, then I just got over that and started mind controlling the 1space terror units and having them kill each other. It's so satisfying to see an Alien Chrysallid kill an Xcom Chrysallid AND Cetalid. Anyway, so I looked around and using MC'd aliens to scout out the base for me, found not one, but TWO Ethereals holding Blaster Launchers. Needless to say, I pulled out the 98 Strength Psi dude and promptly MC'd them, ran them next to each other, and they blew themselves up in a big messy mess. :devil: I used Psionic Warfare on all the aliens, and Reaction Fire killed a Sectopod, 2 Chrysallids, and 2 Silacoids. I was pleased.


Once I cleared out the immediate dangers from the landing zones, I started scouting out the base, since all the rest of my "scouts" had mysterisouly died by the hands of their controllers :devil: . I found the only base module I didn't recognize, and headed straight for it. I tried to walk in, and came face to face with another Chrysallid. Incinerated it in a blast of Plasma fire. :( I walked down the hallway and took a man up the grav lift, and was met with an unexpected shot of reaction fire. Luckily, it missed my soldier, so he turned around and fired back. Missed, so I tried to bring another soldier up, but the Grav lift took out the TUs I needed for a snap shot. I then realized these were the first two soldiers using TUs of my turn. I still had that soldier with fatal wounds, and by this time, about 7 Health left. Hurting body still had a perfectly functional mind, so I mind Controlled the Ethereal Commander, had him turn around, and blast the Brain with a few rounds of Heavy Plasma auto fire. I couldn't do anything more that turn, so I hit Next Turn, and it ended.


The ending was really cool, except that it was kinda different from how I won the game.


Who knows, I might jack up the difficulty soon... But I am no longer a UFO Beginner for life!!! MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! I WIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIN!!!! :(

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A winner is you!


Try jumping right into superhuman and go on a few missions just to see what you're going up against.


If you can take UFO on the superhuman level, you shouldn't have any trouble easing into TFTD.



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Congrats BreakMage. That was a good war tale :( I don't think I've ever killed the brain with an MCed soldier before, but I understand what you mean about the end scene. It's too bad you can't MC the alien brain! It's weapon:


Alien Horde. Use this to control every alien in the Solar System.


Ah, but I can dream... Good job!

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Well, it is just a big soft fleshy blob without any armour. I expect it would just pop like an overripe watermelon. :(


In game terms, it's not even a real alien. It's just 4 pieces of furniture with not very much armour on each piece. If one bit got damaged, the whole thing comes crumbling down. They could've made a special terror unit sized alien with 0 maximum stamina but with really heavy psi skills... but I doubt it would've made much of a difference.


I think the first time I won the game (or maybe a few campaigns after that), I didn't even see what it was I was shooting at... boom, then suddenly the outtro.


Having won TFTD first, I always thought defeating the brain was going to be something like having to destroy the cryo/organic battery vats that kept the Sleeper alive.




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