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Sword of the stars

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Recently I "discovered" a game called "Sword of the stars" - SotS.


At first I was turned off the game becouse of the overly dramatic name and the ship design that isn't really my taste (I am spoiled by Nexus: The Jupiter incident, what can you do) but the more I read about it the more interested I became.


It seems to be something like TW:MoO (Total War:Master...). You have the grand strategy and the battles.


Anyway, the links for the interested;


SotS forum


SotS Wiki (great info dump)

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How do I apply? :D I can write fo(u)r hours about the games I like...

Only staff here gets access to review copies. Best way to become staff is to stay active in the forums and help out with content ;). That being said, I have no idea if we'll get access to a review copy of SotS, and when that will be if so.

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Meh, I don't like the extra work that comes with staff position... ;) If you guys do get the game and are too busy to do the review... :D


J/k, take the time to play the game, it really seems to be a little known gem. I found it by accident. Usually I track a game I know might be worth buying long before it comes out.

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Hehe, guess we are two trackers then :D. Sometimes I regret the position I'm in with this site. I know more than I want about most games I look forwards to. Would be nice to be surprised once in a while again, don't you think? I remember when I played Deus Ex or TFTD for the first time without ever having heard of them...
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Just change over to the "Internet 2"... there's very little on it at the moment since only a few universities are signed up to it... that means you'll be out of the loop for any game's related stuff until it's opened up to the rest of the world in probably 5 or 6 years time.


On the plus side you get to look forward to average access speeds of over 1Gb/s and extreamly low ping times for multiplayer games....

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  • 2 weeks later...

Now now, I seem to have your attention with this game, he he he!


Nice to see that some people also joined the SotS forums. Really, after Oblivion came out this is the only game (in near future) that I'm actually waiting for.

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No need for posting every developer diary - I'll post a link to the dev thread in SotS forum instead. Here you can find links to all the dev diaries (currently 6 of them).


SotS developer diaries




In SotS you can make the same ship type, same weapon loadout and different names. Perfect for creating "favourite ship(s)". You know, ships to look after more carefully. :D


You can bet your arse you're going to hear more about a command cruiser Space Voyager leading a victorious fleet across the galaxy! :lovetammy: If you'll be good to me, there's a position reserved for Slaughter class dreadnaught, Baby arm point-defense cruiser etc.. :D


EDIT2: Nah, all my name-bearing ships will be command ships, definitely. Each commanding their own fleet. Hell yeah! :mad:

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  • 3 weeks later...
Space Voyager, I just put up a bunch of SotS pics in our gallery. The first 12 I took yesterday. The last 4 are just shots I grabbed from the Kerberos site to use in the interview (so ignore them since they look better than mine ).
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