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The Hammer & Sickle screenshots section

Crazy Gringo

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I would rather call a problemfixer which makes some aspects of the game more playable.

But I have encountered a problem at the TH base....The scripted sequences needed bring the plot further ahead didn't play so the TH's was neutral....It was fun to walk around putting bullets in their heads. :D

So I reinstalled the game without the HSMOD and voila! it worked....Except for now the journal is nonfunctional....Gonna try installing HSMOD again to try and fix journal....I'll back to you on that....


Update: The journal is still nonfunctional....But I don't mind....When you have played through Baldurs Gate and Icewind Dale series you get a nag for remembering what to do.

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Hey via screen.


I haven't got much time to play H&S because of busy time - but so far... Damn this game is cool! ;) I like almost everything about it: stories, maps, characters, additions, sounds etc. I could sing lot's of songs of praise but my english is not that good and time is too limited ... And I can't just write one good thing about it because then I should write ALL good things about it. It's whole lotta optional fun - that's the most important thing to say :D.


Anyway, this is the topic for screenshots, so here is one 'violent bowling comic' (AI culling).


Siegfried 'throws ten bowling balls'.








@Slaughter: Is this acceptable way to add images/screenshots (each are about 80kb)

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Yep, the AI is the same old: Sometimes a bit stoopido but I think it's still the best AI in turn-based games ever. Usually it takes lot's of tactics to get rid of even one enemy. When this kind of 'domino effect' comes in the way ... I can't be dissatisfied.


Often I have to hunt them down one by one because they usually retreat behind shelters/corners. That cause many save-reload situations :D or camping in the shadows ;). Some of events are full of rabid attackers so there gamer mostly just have to fast defend his/hers arse (and maybe some possible allys as well).


Good 'stuff', challenging and brainstorming.

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Test with the updated mod was succesful as this little screenshot shows.


Lights out!


I just remembered a thing that bugged me when I started playing the first time....The lack of ammo for the various weapons as in 'Cool! I just got this cool Rifle/MG/SMG ! Darn! I only got the clip that it is loaded with.'

I had to make every single shot count and not do a Rambo and reduce the entire map to rubble as seen with some of my former screenshots.

Will it be possible in the future to give the enemy and alike a 'more' realistic ammo/weapon loadout instead of having them happily blasting away without worrying about their stock of ammo.

Backup weapons like meele and pistols would be an welcome addition to the more realistic weapon loadout and would make combat a bit more challenging for the AI.

I do know that Hammer & Sickle is more of a 'cloak and dagger' game instead of a tactical squadbased combat game as S2 and S3 so I am just ranting off some ideas here.

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Loss of ammo was one thing what I also wondered at the beginning. My hero (grenadier) got that cool Stechkin pistol for a start and I liked it a lot (sound evoke me Jagged Alliances ;)). Well, I shot couple clips empty and so far haven't found new clips/ammo. It's like a gem and maybe at least I should put it in to a some kind of showcase ... And write and hang an obituary under it. :D


Here is a screenshot where my hero is in the hospital, carelessness

smoking Mahorka (that's how we Finns call them) and thinking ........




Btw, in many games, gamer is not allowed to drink booze or smoke cicarettes ...

... But is allowed to kill thousands of human shapers. Quite a lot douple standard.

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Damnit, they took the durability system from Sentinels! I hate that! It's as annoying as the system in Arcanum - why the hell should a sword break when you hit somebody 20 times with it?

That's a bit unrealistic (so is unlimited durability, but when I get to choose, I choose the latter).


Are the items at least fully repairable? I can't get used to "1135/1149" durabilities.

I wish they had done it like in Jagged Alliance 2, I really prefer systems that let you fully repair things.


Anyway, I think Hammer & Sickle will be released this month in Germany. I'm waiting for the test in the PC Games and I'll look for the price, but I'll certainly get it. I love sniping and sneeking and giving my enemies no chance for a backlash...

Especially with that awesome physics engine. I want Jagged Alliance 3 to have that engine!


Btw, nice screenshot KoMik. Nice arrangement with all the dead bodies lying outside the hospital room while your hero is having a relaxing smoke :D

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My hero (grenadier) got that cool Stechkin pistol for a start

Drop it. You can obtain some clips for APS at one of game ending (WWIII starts etc.), but this will too late.

Edited by Novik
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Are the items at least fully repairable?
I dunno.


I think the right word/action is not repair, it's more like overhaul (take to pieces & clean). Just thinking: If this is needed to take realistic then I might say that overhauling doesn't make weapons more damaged - just shooting and no overhauling break weapons. That's why there might be different value for the durability and different for the dirtiness ... If realism is 'the most important thing'.


I think games are allowed to show 'stuff' from the stereotypical point of view. That's OK to me. Fun and playable.


Nice arrangement with all the dead bodies lying outside the hospital room while your hero is having a relaxing smoke
Glad you noted it :D. I'm killing my hero softly (as well).



Drop it.
Thanks for the suggest ;). Now I won't spend time to organize Stechkin clips searching party. ;)
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On the little 'repair' note....You can overhaul them so much that they have better durability then from new if your repair guy (engineer class) has engineering about 150-200 or above.


I just thought you should know that.... :D

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On the little 'repair' note....You can overhaul them so much that they have better durability then from new if your repair guy (engineer class) has engineering about 150-200 or above.


I just thought you should know that.... ;)


Now that is a *frigging* good info. I just wonder how I should get my engineer that good, since I never got above level 14 in Sentinels (those unmodded randoms are just too boring)... Or I never noticed if the tech skill got that high since I always used the shop repair... :D


Repair, overhaul... I know weapons jam when they're too dirty. It's not that the barrel breaks or whatever after the 50th bullet shot through it. Of course you have to replace some parts sooner or later, but the current S3/H&S durability system is just getting on my nerves.

KoMik got me to the idea that it would probably be better if weapons had a thing like an positive growing repair-needed-o-meter (melee weapons need sharpening or whatever, not just cleaning) that can be decreased back to zero by using tools. I think that would be more realistic than the decreasing durability value.

Well, perhaps in the H&S add-on.


Hopefully the next PC Games will have the H&S demo on the DVD, my DSL is very moody concerning bandwith.


Keep on posting screenshots! I want to see new H&S stuff! Weapons, features, uniforms!

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OK. I think I should explain that downright number in my screenshots (something dot something): We have been 'H&S screenshots spamming' each others with couple friends and I used to add that number just to point what series it belongs. 1# are basic ones (usually funny), 2# is violent ones, 3# are totally spoilers and 4# are 'don't try this at home' ones. So I won't add 3#s here to avoid spoilers. 4#s are also spoilers but not so totally. Here is one...


After my hero heard where mysterious mr Smith lives. He right away got 'a flash of genius' and

decided to go and knock on to the mr Smith's door ... Purpose was to ask some swolen-headed questions.


Then my hero realized that he can't knock on the mr Smith's door ...




Btw, mr Smith wasn't very happy when my hero picklocked himself inside. :D

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Girlish stuff? Aha :D. I haven't found many uniforms so far - I'm still on my first go. Certain uniforms can't be used in towns or polices will rush close to party and go at it hammer and tongs.


I picked up this uniform from the Center (for a start).




A nice camouflage outfit for hiding in the woods. :swoon:

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No uniform screen shots yet as I still have to post some of the screenshots of the lastest H&S action which had cost me a couple of hours sleep and bottles of Cold Coffee aka. Cola.


So without further ado here they are.


How do you get past a sentry? Here is one method.

No more sentry post!


Snuffed out


Snipers! You gotta love and hate snipers.

Spotted a sniper


Succesful countersniping


Fidels take on goverments.


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Great screens Gringo! I really liked that 'byre/piggery' map ;). There was some 'horror' elements added around. I have always been sure that this game could serve well as well for a some sort of horror atmosphere.


Yesterday evening I got more than just one hour for this luxury and here is my shots (probably last).


Center On The Wheels ;)




And they all survived! ;)




Now I would like to thank all who make this game possible for turn-based freaks like me.

Congratulations! ;) Very good job indeed. :D

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No walkthoughs or open console! That would be cheating! :D Loss of game fun - as I know it.


Maybe on next time ... Or on third time ... Or on fourth time ...


It wasn's hard to understand what to do. Just thinking was needed. Great.

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No walkthoughs or open console! That would be cheating! :D Loss of game fun - as I know it.


Maybe on next time ... Or on third time ... Or on fourth time ...


It wasn's hard to understand what to do. Just thinking was needed. Great.


And I bet it will be difficult to find walkthroughs in English instead of Russian. I found one S2 walkthrough altogether in the net, handed down from website to website.


I'll use the console, but just for checking if I can open a lock at all, either with lockpick or fists. I don't consider that cheating because a live human would actually know this.


Seeing that screenshot... Novik, are you working on an add-on already?

I think what's missing yet is a way to actually get *into* this lovely S2 car model (when I zoomed in in S2 it turned out to be an Opel - is that right?), even if it's just in the cut scenes. You could make a drive by scene!

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It wasn's hard to understand what to do. Just thinking was needed.

Congratulations! :D)) You first foreign player (about whom i know) who passed this game to good ending without any walkthough and from first try ;)))

Standard replies from US players are:

1) I'm stuck at first mission! I can't kill all american and soviet soldiers in it! I hate this stupid game!

2) Game is VERY hard.

3) Scenario plot is unclear. Give us clues and objectives.

And I bet it will be difficult to find walkthroughs in English instead of Russian

See here - https://www.cdv-forum.de/cdvboard/english

Novik, are you working on an add-on already?

No. Because i have wife, child, main work (it doesn't has any relation to gamedev) and want to sleep at night ;)

Opel - is that right

Opel-Admiral, as i know.

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