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Elder Scrolls IV gone gold.


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I looked at the requirements, and my computer just passes muster. However the recommended computer requirements just blew me away - this does not give me any confidence that the game will run well. I'm pretty sure minimum requirements these days are there only to let people know that the game can run on them, but you'll have to switch off all the bells and whistles and maybe switch to a 320x200x8bit display or worse. Maybe I'll get it, but hold off on playing it until I've updated my PC - or obtained a new one. Or maybe obtain an XBox 360 (once it's down to a reasonable price, new games have come out and once they've worked all the kinks out) and get the XBox 360 version?


Anyway, here's one question for those that have the PC version of the game: Does it come with a construction set? Or am I going to have to wait until the expansion packs comes out and nab everything in one fell swoop (like I did for Morrowind and its two official expansion packs)? Or is it worth getting a mint copy with any of the extras that might be in it? No, bad question. Does it have any extras in it at all? Stuff like a cloth handkerchief map? A cheap plastic imitation ash yam? A poster of an imperial fire stoker?



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Construction set came out before the game was released. :lovetammy:

But you can't use the construction set on the XBox 360... and you can't use 3rd party mods on the 360 either.


Standard edition comes with a paper map and a pretty good instruction book.

Collectors edition also came with a gold coin, a "making of" DVD, and a book of lore about Tamriel.


Sadly you can't get the collectors edition anymore... unless your lucky.


Bethesda have also started releasing small mods for about $1.99 each. There are already a large number of 3rd party mods out like the mod pack as stated in the above post.

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It has been awhile since I have played a 1st/3rd person RPG with the promise of epic poportions....But Oblivion hooked me again so I picked up a copy today.... :lovetammy: A standard copy mind you....Since the collectors editions are getting hard to find....

So I guess no sleep tonight....It doesn't matter that much since I am the boss at work these before easter days....The boss is away in France overseeing the remodelling of his newly aqquired french summer residence. :D


PS: I tracked down a place in Denmark who has 4 limited editions left....At a price of about 100 dollars US a piece....Link....Just letting you know....Mods delete the link if it is wrong of me to post it....

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wow... I'm remarkably disappointed... I guess that's kind of what happens when you look forward to a game from the day they announce it but Oblivion so far is really not doing it for me...


At the end of the day all I ever really wanted was to be able to play Morrowind again without doing all the stuff I'd already been through... Hurrah, roll on no.4! But why have they changed the interface so much?


Lockpicking, cool and ingenius but at the same time crap and impossible...

Trading, bulk sales are a pain in the bits and haggling isn't worth doing...

Persuasion, cool, we like the persuasion wheel thing...

Inventory, crap, cluttered, and massive pictures when all you need is an icon...

Map, absolutely abysmal, TES3 was perfect, why change? No minimap!?

Journal, good God the guy'll be carrying a library with him by the end of the game! What was wrong with the neat little notebook?

AI, we like the AI, its new and interesting, expands the game a little. Good Bethesda...

Fighting, sucks, manual blocking? Bad Bethesda! Its a point n click RPG, not a frigging wrestling emulator!

Graphics, lets end on a high note, they're fan-bloody-tastic. We like!


Anyway rant over... Please feel free to tell me why everyone else loves the bits I hate and vice versa... I'm sure I'll get into it... I mean sod waiting about for TES5 before I play a perfect RPG :lovetammy:

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The lockpicking game ruins lockpicking. Any gamer with twitch reflexes can open any lock at low levels. Hell, even I wiggled a "Very Hard" lock open at skill level 6.


Also, persuasion. Why do I intimidate, admire, joke, and coerce a NPC all in one breath? It just feels wrong, from a roleplaying standpoint, and often far too easy.


However, I like the combat. Combat and exploration. The ruins are what keep me playing.

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Here's an interesting tidbit not related to the game itself.


Beth starts working on Oblivion, and ask Take Two to produce/market/sell the game. Take Two thinks it's not good enough. Beth says, OK we'll do it on our own, and get the game hyped, so the interest gets huge. Guess who comes crawling back wanting to produce/market/sell the game? But now Beth says: "No, no. You didn't want it when we offered it, now you can only sell the game."


Can you say OWNED?


Honestly, I hope more teams will be able to do that in the future.

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I think that was a rhetorical question :D


Personally the combat and exploration are weak points for me... The lack of a minimap in the main screen makes 100% mapping frigging impossible and that's the way I played Morrowind. Only black dots were arount the Red Mountain :eh: As for combat, I just hate the manual blocking! I'm a warrior, its my major skill and I never use it! Got so fed up with it I now use a long or broadsword instead of a short or dagger :P


Updates on yesterday mind... Horses, very cool, we like horses

Load times, better but when they do go wrong the whole game crashes :) Also interior load times are obsurd... How can it possibl;y take longer to load some bandits yurt than to switch to an entirely new section of the world?!

Guilds, I'm not feeling as involved as I used to... I'm only in the fighters guild but in Morrowind I was in everything and you always had jobs from all of them. The fighters guild in Oblivion sucks! I've done one mission and now two of the three guildmasters are telling me that only the third can give me more! 3??? Why only 3! Morrowind had, what 6? 8? Loads! Every town you went to had someone giving you work in!

Map, that sucks too :) By which I mean the actual world, not what I picked opn yday... There are too few cities... The ashlands are more populated than this and its the center of the empire for God sake!

Quick travel however... Overcomes this problem, very good, we like...

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Lockpicking, cool and ingenius but at the same time crap and impossible...

Trading, bulk sales are a pain in the bits and haggling isn't worth doing...

Persuasion, cool, we like the persuasion wheel thing...

Inventory, crap, cluttered, and massive pictures when all you need is an icon...

Map, absolutely abysmal, TES3 was perfect, why change? No minimap!?

Journal, good God the guy'll be carrying a library with him by the end of the game! What was wrong with the neat little notebook?

AI, we like the AI, its new and interesting, expands the game a little. Good Bethesda...

Fighting, sucks, manual blocking? Bad Bethesda! Its a point n click RPG, not a frigging wrestling emulator!

Graphics, lets end on a high note, they're fan-bloody-tastic. We like!


To answer your points:


Lockpicking - I agree, Krabjuice, it's interesting for a while, but once you know how it works you can open any lock while at a low level. The skeleton key mnakes it obsolete anwyay.

Trading - I agree with you there, the merchants never have enough gold, meaning a staff worth 7000 gold can only be sold for 800!? Even at 60% sale price using haggle.

Persuasion - It get's anoying after a while.

Inventry - Use the BTmod to fix it. Makes it much much better.

Map - There are various mods that sort out the size of the map and the icons on it. There's also a mini map mod IIRC.

Journal - My character already carries most of the books in the game. I'm AM a walking library. :P

AI - The AI is ok, it does have it's faults however. Trying to walk into walls happens quite a lot, and the AI conversations are abysmal.

Fighting - I like the fighting, I hate the auto leveled enemys tho! I mean, a highwayman wearing armour worth 5000 gold asking me for 100! :eh:

Graphics - I agree with you there, this has to be the best looking RPG I've ever seen.

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Why is it that, once again, a game turns mod-crazy? :eh:


There's alot of good stuff out there that's all for the better, HUD mods and stuff that don'r ruin the gameplay for instance, but the modlists are filled with things like:


"Sword Mod

Get the rockzor super sword +30!! YOU'RE INVINCIBLE"


"Vampire Dress

Makes a light-armor as good as a heavy"


etc etc

Am I the only one annoyed by these rather pointless 'mods'?

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You're of course forgetting the topless mod... Probably the first one anyone bothered with bearing in mind the kind of people who make these things :eh: (not a generic comment btw!) Anyone familiar with Morrowind's 'better bodies' mod will know what I mean...


Kernel, I spent all of yesterday trying to find a minimap mod with no luck. If there is one its damned illusive! Please please please! let me know if you find one!!!

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You're of course forgetting the topless mod...
Actualy it's not exactly a mod... the "naked" textures are all in the standard game. It's just that Bethesda added the underwear models and textures to cover up th naughty bits. :eh: All the mod does is to "not add" the underwear models. Kind of like the "Hot Coffie" mod for GTA simply enabled the hiden bits in that game.


And speaking of the topless mod... it makes this picture much better. :P


Make a nice desktop background.


Might check out the rest of this website... https://www.oblivionplayers.com/ some nice pictures there.


Kernel, I spent all of yesterday trying to find a minimap mod with no luck. If there is one its damned illusive! Please please please! let me know if you find one!!!


I'm sure I read on the forum that someone was creating a mini-map mod. Will let you know if I find one.

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So far... for some reason no... But I'm hard pushed to explain exactly why... Apparently the levelled creatures have ruined the game for a lot of people so I'm using a mod that changes scaling of enemies and items and stuff. Doesn't really change the difficulty, just the reality so I'm told...


Minimap is a HUGE problem for me... And Krabby, don't even start with that 'there's a map in the game' cos it sucks! :eh: I hate the compas and the new inv, etc... I need a minimap so I can find doors and caves and stuff. Its just so much easier in Morrowind than it is with this quite frankly sh*te compass!

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Since there are a number of us here who play Oblivion what about creating a thread about the good Oblivion Mods that we find?

Keep the thread short... one post per person, just edit previous posts with updates etc?


If anyone else likes the idea I'll make a new thread tonight... unless someone else get's there first.

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