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I haven't had a terror mission for over 4 months game time and so since the idea only came to me recently i haven't been able to put it into practice...


Anywho , it was my belief that civies could get killed by any form of damage at all , heck even rubbing lemon juice on them would probably put them in a comatose state . So what are the vital stats of them no good civies , just basicly their health and/or armour if it can be found out.

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Well, I just took a peek at a beginner level civilian. Here are the stats:


Time units: 35

Energy: 65

Energy recharge: 20/turn

Hit points: 30

Reactions: 30

Firing Accuracy: 30%

Throwing Accuracy: 50%

Strength: 20

Armour: 0 (for all sides)

Psi Skill: 0

Psi Strength: 5


This will vary depending on your difficulty level.




Morale is, like every unit in the game: 100

Bravery... blast, I knew I forgot something. I remember it was quite high... something around 100 - 110, I think. In any case, they've got much better bravery than your units will ever naturally have.



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You know, the scary thing is, I actually know why it happens. :(


One good thing about the rogue civilians -- you won't lose points for killing them. But you won't get any points for saving them either, so it's a fair cop.



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Hmmm , i understand that if you MC a civilian , the next turn it turns enemy...


What happens if you panic them ? Do they remain the headless chickens as per usual or are they fighting for the "dark side"...

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I think there health goes down as your game level goes up cause 30 seems high when you compare it this story



I blew up one of those pumps at a gas stations, I've had my own men standing beside them when they go off sometimes and no damage, but about 10 squares away a civi died due to the explosion. And he was in a safe zone where no aliens had done much. In that mission they all seemd to gather in one of those really big warehouses for some reason.

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A funny thing about those pumps (and other volatile objects). They seem to cause instant death to units sometimes. I had a sectoid killed by a petrol pump that was nowhere near it. In fact, it was about 10 - 20 tiles away from the pump. No way could it have been clipped by the explosion. But the shot I fired missed it by a bit and proceeded to fly off and strike a gas tank. Poof and the alien spins around and dies. I hadn't even touched it.


A similar thing happened to one of my soldiers with an alien entertainment pod of all things... it was a bit stupid. The soldier was wearing power armour and wasn't even standing near it too.




And as for panicking civilians -- the panic attack does not mess around with a unit's loyalties, so the civilian should panic, but stay neutral. However, stunning does seem to mess with the loyalty flag. I'm not sure why it does that.



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Weird, never knew that about the pumps. Strange. But I knew about those alien entertainment thingys, just not the explosive range.I always blow them up instead of shooting the alien standing beside it.



What would be the point of panicing the civiies? They're already pretty panicy running into my line of fire, had one run right up some alien that was standing right out in the open.

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