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Easiest Alien

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Reapers for Terror units, by far.


I've been using Mind Control extensively to boost Psi Skill and have fun at the same time, and by looking at Alien stats, Snakemen have the fewest time units (40 regular 45 commander) but Floaters have the worst accuracy (30 I believe). So, I'd probably go with Floaters because of bad accuracy. And, as an added bonux, they have the easiest terror unit to kill.


After playing through about 15 or so landed battleships (Snakemen kept trying to get Egypt, but I wouldn't let them.... :devil: ) I have basically lost my fear of Chrysallids. I just use them as high TU scouts to find more aliens to MC. :( It's also fun to watch them take out Snakemen, too.


I'm almost ready for Cydonia! Just need more skill with my Psi Guys. :(

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For standard alien crews, I'd say the snakemen. They're almost as physically tough as the floaters, and they can't fly. Sectoids are much weaker (and much easier to kill with pistol bullets), but I'm not counting them on account of their leader/commander's psionics.


It's only the Chryssalid terrorists attached to the snakemen crews that make them dangerous.



As for the terror units -- well, I really can't say. The closest unit I can think of is the cilacoid (or was it the celatid? Keep confusing between the two), I suppose. A pile of hot stones that crawl along and burn the ground as they move, advertising to the world where they are. Although a melee attacker like the reaper, even the reaper's a much more formidable fighter in comparison.



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You're thinking of the Silacoids. They are patetically easy to track down and kill. I'd say the easiest alien to go up against is the muton. In my experience they're always very slow to get off any kind of reaction fire at all!
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I would go with..........probably reapers. Never, not once have I ever had one even HURT one of my men. I've lost men to everything else in the game but never been hurt by a reaper, even though they scared the crap outta me the first time I saw one run to one of my men
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Silacoids. On my Cydonian mission I got in a lucky blaster bomb and was strong on psi, so no major trouble from the nastier aliens. A silacoid sprung an ambush on two of my guys, though. It sprung out of the storage room, rushed up to them, and sat there.


Naturally, they each raised one eyebrow quizzically, then hit it with full auto at point blank range. Then went back to discussing Royales with cheese.

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I have has similar experiences with Silacoids. One wandered up to one of my guys, sat there for a moment, and then moved away.

If the guy wasn't out of TU's he would have probably fired.

I guess the silacoid took one look at the armour on the soldier and had second thoughts about killing the guy. :(

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Well the first guy that I lost to a silicoid was my fault, I was chasing it so I could basically keep an eye on him while one of my other men ran back to the sky ranger to get the tazer. So the silicoid eventually turned around and zaped him three times and he died.


They are only really lethal when agaisnt your un-armored men. Lost lots of rookies that way

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They are melee units and thus can only attack on contact. It's their floating kidney counterparts that shoot at a distance (Just imagine them as UFO's version of TFTD's Deep-One's). Nasty buggers as their weapons go in an arc rather than go straight. So you aren't safe even when behind a good wall if it knows you are standing there.


Anyway, one should never underestimate any of the melee aliens. I've often accidentally run out of time units only to get seriously mauled to death by just one melee terror unit (including the silacoids -- for shame!), even when wearing tough armour. It's terribly embarassing if it's never happened to you before, but it does open your eyes to how dangerous they can be if they manage to get up close. This is especially true in the alien bases and X-Com bases where you often don't have the room to fly off the ground.



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LoL, I have lost one guy to a reaper in all of my days. I was in a big terrorsite building (2 level ceiling, big warehouse) and had a guy with a rifle. The reaper to 2 autoshots (6 bullets worth) and just sat there. Next turn he tore my guy's head off.


Easiest terror alien: Siliacoid. Never lost a guy to them. I have however, lost guys to celatids before.

Easiest soldier alien: Sectoid.


I don't care if the have the psi or not, I think they are terribly easy. I grease them before they have a chance to get my guys.

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Armed civilians will not actively shoot at anyone during their turn, but they will use reaction fire if they have the TUs. And even then, the civilians use reaction fire on both X-Com and the aliens, so it does get kind of difficult to move about.


I think if I had some free time, I'd probably be able to create a tool that can arm civilians with hwp/terror unit turret weapons... I know how it's done. But because I'm a lazy bugger, it's the actual act of doing that worries me. :(



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